The answer to any Parliamentary Question is simple. It was a project involving people with ME and funded by the ME Association. What politician...
I’m definitely ok then :D:thumbup:
It would seem to be an argument for treating people as having medically as yet unexplainable symptoms, reclaiming that from those who use the term...
Pretty much the discussion I had with the candidate I’m in contact with. I referred to the Delivery Plan as a minimum product that must be built...
I was early 50s when I got diagnosed - part of the menopause age peak combined with gradual onset not getting picked up leads to diagnosis at a...
I think it means from birth I’m not aware of people having it from birth but I was one of the older onset around menopause group and not up to...
Cures all ills like yoga and mindfulness
What no kale?
Presumably the article is part of a push back because there are positive things happening - usual story
There’s a thread with comments on some media guidelines AFME did that might have something useful on it...
For the single purpose of monitoring an individual that individual’s information are all you need but obviously the accuracy may be a valid...
SPF. Define a lot, define a little?
Good example
If there’s a strong argument that wearables aren’t accurate why are monitors used in elite sports, cycling, football etc And I make the point...
Two days isn’t long to receive a response especially from organisations that are run by pwME
I had to Google that :)
Maybe this short one from CDC
So I can’t comment on most aspects as I’m in the UK. I think age/sex aren’t particularly useful criteria one of the useless General Practitioners...
I’m guessing you’re in USA? Which I think is useful for commenters to know as things vary so much between countries.
Separate names with a comma.