Some of this has been posted but here are my recent exchanges with Prof Sharpe: [MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA]
Following the publication of the Forward-ME group letter to the Science Media Centre (SMC) to...
@Lucibee I feel you’re on to something although I’ve not managed to follow all the details. I think these issues with the step test need a wider...
It might be wise to link to this post when referencing cardigans in future. Similarly, I winced when I first read one of your references to “the...
Thank you, Clare and Sonya (@Action for M.E.) Whatever the details about who made the decision and what discussions took place, it seems clear...
Update: I’ve had about 20 people volunteer to sing in the chorus. A few have had to drop out but I’m expecting to have about 15 voices before the...
I have just sent an email to Sonya Chowdhury asking her to clarify whether AfME agreed that it would be sensible to drop actigraphy as an outcome...
Thanks for unearthing this actigraphy stuff @Lucibee. A smoking gun indeed, @Sean. I'm alarmed by their use of the word "useful". This hints at...
I’ve tweeted MS about TSC approval for protocol changes. (Other tweets included for interest, and to highlight the ad hominem attack in response...
Is this a question that could be put to the PIs (or SW)? – i.e. at which meeting(s) were the protocol changes approved by the TSC?
Not only an unblinded trial which primed participants on the effectiveness of CBT and relied on subjective outcomes measures, but also one in...
This is what he said about his involvement with PACE...
It occurs to me that the SMC is a registered charity and is therefore accountable to the Charity Commission....
The authors’ response to my letter is very weak: 1) They answer a question I didn’t ask. We know that they adhered to the NICE criteria. The...
When GETSET was published @Tom Kindlon put out a call to people to write in response. He pointed out that, like me, he does not have a degree (due...
No takers yet! [MEDIA] [MEDIA]
I wonder if someone, or a group, might like to do a detailed, line by line analysis of the SMC factsheet for the uninitiated, as I did with...
Thanks, Trish. It took some time and effort to agree on a proof – partly due to concerns about defamation – but the editorial team were...
This is my letter in the lastest edition of Nature: I wonder if I should have pushed for...
Separate names with a comma.