Are we sure they are immune? I read somewhere that a (difficult to determine for now) percentage of patients got re-infected and weren't immune....
They are making so many exceptions that it's becoming very confusing, and not a real confinement anymore... Sigh
Substantial undocumented infection facilitates the rapid dissemination of novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV2) 16th march 2020...
French people are confined at home, can go out for food shopping or health matters only, (or for work for those whose work is necessary) for at...
Either the threatment is efficient or not. No need to mention that it is an "anthroposophic" remedy unless you want to promote this cult.
Cafés, restaurants and all shops (except pharmacies and food stores) are closed, just declared French prime minister Edouard Philippe.
They were talking about cases in French hospitals I think. It's so difficult to know the truth from the false...
In France, the secretary of health and several official bodies have strongly adviced against the use of NSAIDs and Ibuprofen to treat COVID 19...
I stopped when she said: "vitamin C kills all microbes".
Posts relating to the biology of coronavirus COVID-19 have been moved to this dedicated thread. Please remember that this thread is about...
We have municipal elections planned for tomorrow and next sunday in France (two round election). Schools are closed, we are told to work from...
If we needed a proof this guy has no understanding of medicine.
A twitter thread analysing a Lancet paper on the clinical course and risk factors for mortality of adult inpatients with COVID-19 in Wuhan [MEDIA]
Interesting article with clear animated charts (Warning: if you feel anxious avoid reading) How Much Worse the Coronavirus Could Get, in Charts...
Two dead, four hospitalized after receiving OpenBiome stool transplants...
Schools and universities will close on monday in France, Macron just anounced.
Thread there. From the abstract: Is the quality of the metodology of "Serious Gaming [...] for PW Chronic Pain or Fatigue Symptoms" in any way...
This cluster may be mastered. But the number of cases in Alsace (east of France, near Germany and Switzerland) is growing. The hospitals there are...
The answer is that she's a quack.
Separate names with a comma.