Harald Prüss and his group also do some associated research on autoantibodies in the CSF and associations to Long-Covid. They published...
Akiko Iwasaki actually has alpha-gal syndrome. Makes it less suprising to me, that she's sympathetic to "mysterious illnesses" triggered by a...
I still feel like this discussion is largely going in circles and all the research doesn't add too much to the discussion. Pretorius et al. have...
Iwasaki was also very recently asked about microclots since her team are investigating them as well [MEDIA]. I thought her opinion would be a...
That I don't know, but I certainly would like to know how this data matches with that of Phair/Davis/Armstrong. My phrasing wasn't good, what I...
From what I’ve understood the IDO2, Kynurenine and Tryptophan measurements didn’t corroborate Davis & Phair’s theories. Was anything published or...
Prolonged indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase-2 activity and associated cellular stress in post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection Background...
I also don’t have access to it, but I always find it is a bit strange to write about a topic your colleagues next door have and currently are...
I believe that there's reason to hope that these studies will indeed be better (and provide evidence in either direction) in particular as they...
These studies are currently happening, perhaps it would have been more useful to wait for these new results. Iwasaki, Putrino, Rob Wüst,...
I think the message of the review is relatively sound. But their conclusion is really just what everybody on social media and doctors have been...
Long-Term Dysfunction of Taste Papillae in SARS-CoV-2 BACKGROUND We sought to determine whether ongoing taste disturbance in the postacute...
Plasmapheresis to remove amyloid fibrin(ogen) particles for treating the post‐COVID‐19 condition Background The post‐COVID‐19 condition (PCC)...
Both Polybio https://polybio.org/projects/sars-cov-2-gut-persistence-intestinal-permeability-and-spike-protein-in-pediatric-long-covid-mis-c/ and...
Cortical thickness alterations and systemic inflammation define long-COVID patients with cognitive impairment Abstract As the heterogeneity of...
The Mirror and the Independent have also reported on it. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/health/long-covid-brain-fog-research-b2379570.html...
I don't think that'll be possible since Rob Wüst's findings haven't been published (the article is about a different study). It's more of a...
This is also what I'd be interested in. Can these dust looking like microclots and similar problems still occur in these muscle biopsies if one is...
Myopathy as a cause of Long COVID fatigue: Evidence from quantitative and single fiber EMG and muscle histopathology Highlights Myopathic...
A comment on this paper published in science:...
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