@rvallee , I totally agree with you that there is no (signs of an) epidemic in Norway. I just translated the headline from the article. I hope...
ME epidemic among children in Norway . https://www.expressen.se/nyheter/me-epidemi-i-norge-barn-isoleras-och-sondmatas/ Feel free to translate...
My test results (sCD14, PGE and Interleukin 8) were abnormal too.
As a side note from the abstract: " Clinically, ME/CFS patients show normal arterial oxygen saturation..." That statement surprised me, but maybe...
I was told that the video-recordings, that will be published later, will be of even better quality so probably worth waiting.
It´s probably explained by the fact that COMT- mutations are more common in PWME than in a healthy population. I didn´t dig into this but I trust...
@mango , I´m really sorry for how you are treated. I have no words.
@mango, sorry to hear that. I have no insight in what´s going on in the project regarding the work with the treatment rules, but I hear a lot of...
Really? There are a few doctors with a loud voice, but my impression is that more of mainstream doctors know a lot more about ME since media...
Congratulations Prof. Lombardi and your team! It looks like we are getting closer to a treatment if the study will show positive results.
Congratulations Professors @Jonas Blomberg and Anders Rosén! So proud that you and Anders Rosén got the Ramsey award, and also grateful that you...
Good news @Kalliope . Hopefully the "NIH´s " ( Socialstyrelsens) standards for treatment of ME/CFS in Sweden, that will be published at the end of...
@jaded I see, although I find the test a bit odd as it is mentioned that a too high dose might cause a muscle weakening in some people. It seems...
Thanks, Jade. Did I get it right that the dose used in the trial is 60 mg in a single dose daily? I´m taking Mestinon since some weeks and that...
Might be. Vitamin B2 deficiency is mentioned as a possible cause of dry eyes and light sensitivity. As vit B deficiency was common among PWME in...
Is this the reason why PWME don´t get cured easily by standard treatments for Lyme infections?...
Many, many thanks @Mike Harley for what you are doing to help us. It´s amazing. To others; isn´t there a guy on PR, maybe he is here as well, who...
@alex3619 , could it be this one? [MEDIA]
KDM will give the opening speech at an immunology conference in Madrid, August, 6th with the exciting title : Biomarkers which identify CFS/ME...
Separate names with a comma.