Well, for me, what you say did figure into my returning to work too quickly. I was trying to break into an industry via a job where I could easily...
Interesting concept of the "trigger." You could see this happening with some kind of infection coincident with a period of high stress (which...
A great little bit comes near the end at 1:06:20, when they're talking about a response they got from Psychological Medicine suggesting that they...
I wonder if this might have some bearing on the low ESR's (red blood cell sedimentation rates) sometimes reported in ME patients. The speed of RBC...
My understanding of this [which might be horribly wrong...] When signaling in the brainstem becomes weaker, certain nerve fibers in the white...
The idea of taking someone's allegiance for granted reminds me of this old joke (apparently originating in MAD Magazine in 1958)... Lone Ranger:...
BMC Neurol. 2005 Dec 1;5:22. A Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - related proteome in human cerebrospinal fluid. Baraniuk JN1, Casado B, Maibach H, Clauw...
There are a lot of variations on this, including, "I have not failed. I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work." It's unclear if he actually...
Yes - and I'd go as far as to say that there is nothing that could ever lessen the esteem in which I -- how shall I say it? -- hold the Mayo. [MEDIA]
Very encouraging. I'm a little surprised that they will only be taking a baseline and a 24-hour post-exercise blood sample. The Lights'...
Yes, it would be interesting to see the results if the patients had been told to answer the questions as they would have in the year before they...
I suppose sometimes dry eyes are just dry eyes, but they are connected to a variety of conditions, including autoimmune diseases. They're also...
To paraphrase Time Bandits: "Oh, Psychology... Dear Psychology, you are so mercifully free of the ravages of perfectionism."
C'mon! Who'll help me carve the holiday cricket roast! I'll flip you for the thorax! Anyone? [MEDIA]
Since they evaluated patients who already had CFS, I don't think they can tell whether their findings represent a potential predisposition or are...
Seems like the US and UK already are among the nations with the longest life-expectancy. If you assume that maximum lifespan is not all that...
Merged thread David Tuller: Trial By Error: Mayo Still Champions GET Perhaps you're thinking of Bing Crosby as kindly old Dr. Cook in the 1971...
You get a different image when you search for ME or CFS on Bing. [IMG]
I'm not sure how common (or relevant) this is, but, in the first couple of months following onset, I lost my appetite and a lot of weight. Part...
Separate names with a comma.