There's a lot of the typical background (mis)information about ME/CFS. High achiever, fear avoidance, deconditioning, blah blah blah: Who...
Note that this is not a new study. Full text at Chalder T, Butler S, Wessely S. In-patient...
Yes, be prepared to provide proof that ME is not psychosomatic :p
I have absolutely no problem with patients being completely ignorant about ME/CFS, even if they're (rightly or wrongly) diagnosed with it. But if...
Most of the focus has been on the more overtly harmful CBT/GET bullshit, so maybe not.
A bit ironic that the Mayo Clinic found the obscure diagnosis, when they've systematically botched ME/CFS so badly :-P
Yes, it does rather sound as if the lawyer has no idea at all what is going on. Perhaps she simply ignored the original email until someone...
When my blood gases were analyzed at the hospital some months ago, before and after exertion (up and down a large flight of stairs) my venous...
It's a part of Scientific Research Publishing (SCRIP): Wikipedia has a longer discussion of their misdeeds :-P
Some clinicians are completely incompetent at understanding research, so they might believe that exercise is really helpful even for a biomedical...
Attorney-client privilege wouldn't apply to the contents of the communication between Bristol and Berkeley. I also doubt their use of "private...
It was about 5 years ago, but I'm pretty sure I lost my sanity several times in the process of reading Simon Wessely's life's work :woot:
Professor Kwun Fong looks like a solid biomedical researcher, primarily involving lung disease, and with no history involving ME/CFS. Dr Gary...
The committee consists of: [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Often? No wonder they have diagnostic problems :-P But this has a lot of potential, if it doesn't get hijacked by quacks.
DISABILITY PAYMENTS AND CARER ASSISTANCE Sickness benefits....At present individual [CFS] cases should be treated on their merits, but it is...
EPIDEMIOLOGY Chronic fatigue was common. A total of 23 percent of the subjects reported having experienced the symptom of persistent fatigue...
CRITERIA, DEFINITIONS, DIAGNOSIS, AND CLASSIFICATIONS We suggest that many patients currently labelled as having "chronic fatigue syndrome" may...
MENTAL ILLNESS - INVOLVEMENT AND COMPARISON Part II The assessment of possible comorbid psychiatric disorders such as depression or anxiety is...
MENTAL ILLNESS - INVOLVEMENT AND COMPARISON Suggestible patients with a tendency to somatize will continue be found among sufferers from diseases...
Separate names with a comma.