She looks as though she is reacting, delightedly, to 50 more Likes on Instagram or has just swiped right - or is it left? I dunno.
I hope Russell will be monitoring this thread.
I don't find the image of a smiling young woman with phone + takeaway coffee in any way meaningful. Out and about, busy street scene, happy...
If you don't want the hassle of registering with the MEA's blog to leave feedback, I'm leaving feedback in response to their Twitter post:...
OK, I've just checked the current NICE CG53 CFS/ME Guideline, which as we know is under review:...
I haven't read all of this new MEA document, and guidance may have changed since my son reached the age of 17 but was it not the case that all...
But in Jen's case, I would say she goes beyond "just talking about a procedure that they believed helped them". For example, her Medium platform...
Unsure what the statement I have highlighted in bold means. Do you mean that the hospital waives the deficit? Or that the cost to an insurer is...
I have.
But unless you are party to more recent information, the family has stated, publicly: "The trouble is, the supine MRI and CT venogram aren’t...
What is your understanding of Dr VanElzakker's statement: "Would love to meet others. & would love to talk w patients beyond just watching the...
[U.S.] NCVHS Recommends Government Actions...
My understanding is that the various Facebook groups around CCI, created and administered by Jen Brea, are operated as private groups and the...
Thanks, @Rain, I had not seen that Q & A. (I've now edited in the URL for the 2019 Invest in ME Conference YouTube where Dr Van Elzakker and Dr...
I don't have the URL for the YouTube video to hand, but wasn't Dr Van Elzakker advising caution last year around CCI surgical interventions in...
Michael VanElzakker and Dr Paulo Bolognese: [MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA]
"idea historian and social security judge", Espolin Johnson, sounds like the Norwegian twin of the U.S.'s Edward Shorter.
The subheading for that article reads: "Før fikk folk whiplash, nå har ME i stor grad overtatt. Idehistoriker og lege Georg Espolin Johnson mener...
According to a comment on Jenny's @stroopwaffle Twitter feed, there is another UK patient about to have surgery in the UK, described by her mother...
Gosh, Louie41, thank you for your kind and exuberant message. (PS: when you are only 5 feet tall, you need big boots.)
Separate names with a comma.