I saw Maria on TV in a makeover TV programme some years ago. I didn´t know about her and her history at that time, so it was amazing to see her....
Looking back at 24 years of having ME, diagnosed after 20 years, I´ve gone from being homebound to almost being well when I not longer have been...
In memory of Aaron Swartz, who gave his life to free access to research articles and other documents behind paywalls...
I believe this study also contributed to the "death" of the claim that XMRV is related to ME/CFS. "We found no significant increases in...
I couldn´t find any post about this, although there might be. Dr. Maureen Hanson has highlighted a report and Clinicians Guide for ME/CFS,...
Here is an interview with SW that I find interesting, although also challenging to read. http://www.bmj.com/content/347/bmj.f6803.long
Hi @Andy , photo deleted. I guess I´m still too upset from a GP´s visit in my home, me on the sofa, some months ago. Before she even asked me...
Hmmm. The tweets replying to that one are worth reading as well as other links from SW´s tweets. Edit: photo and related text deleted
Great :thumbsup:. Shouldn´t this be announced in a separate thread as it´s a bit OT here? Too good to be missed by interested people.
I´m watching it now... https://panopto.lshtm.ac.uk/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=3f756fa1-4190-454f-83a5-71a1063508bd
I think Dr. Jeffrey Dach has written very good articles on Hashimoto´s here. I was diagnosed with autoimmune thyroiditis /Hashimoto´s 23 years...
Pre-conference Dinner Analysis Highlighting Issues With the PACE Trial http://www.investinme.org/IIMER-Newslet-main-1710-01.shtml [MEDIA]
http://go.solvecfs.org/webmail/192652/47628203/a0e396f30e624026a094c53cd974b2c0431bbec3aee7ebdea9f777a6ba844cd6 Congratulations to the research...
Anomalous microbiome and metabolic profiling in ME/CFS-patients Prof Maureen Hanson, Cornell University, USA [MEDIA] From 1:10:47 ME/CFS...
Separate names with a comma.