SEID was only supposed to be a temporary name until we could label accurately based on evidence. Currently the states are left with CFS or CFS/ME....
Maybe the difference is some with ME do improve or recover so theoretically tackling something like sleep or pain can help that and...
They might be iffy but I don't think the existence or not of the optimum health clinic has really had much impact on the ME field.
If anyone wants to see ME mystery controversy debate and misery from a different era here's a 1990/1991 Robert Kilroy silk discussion program with...
Julia Newton couldn't see why patients would have concerns at the CMRC etc. I disagreed with her in this recording, almost excusing the bps focus...
This would have been great when I was newly ill. Life saving. However now I'm severe and realiant on care from others I simply can't organise my...
I had thought this was the replication PET scan study as it was published on Facebook !! Very disappointing if it isn't. The same Japanese team...
Also we shouldn't be framing this as ME is a subgroup of Oxford fatigue. ME is a distinct illness, with using strict criteria, a population size...
Analogy If we had a scenario where migraines were just dumped under the term headaches. Then some headache researchers took a cohirt of headache...
I disagree with your position. As far as I'm aware there was concern in the USA that Oxford fatigue studies shouldn't be assumed to apply to...
A lot of the CFS GET CBT research outside PACE used Oxford or Fukuda criteria didn't it? neither require PEM and Oxford is awful. Unfortunately...
Any ideas what it means or if it has any worth? I was critical previously of Sonya Chowdhury, who seems to have become invisible, going to Geneva...
I've corrected it, yes I meant that.
It's £6000, piddling amounts whatever way. Very useful for them to be able to channel it into the essentially old AyME which folded due to...
Sorry I think that's wrong . If you look at this, it says staff total costs in wages , NI & pension contributions is near £419 000, that's a rise...
AFME oh you mean self management promotion for CFS? It's such a shame that charity raised nearly £130 000 very quickly at Xmas to "do what they...
The 2014 IACFSME severe section is much better, I agree with you on the original. What severe ME patients need most of all is something from a dr,...
The only primers sadly with info on severe ME is the iacfsme primer and NICE, if you want to risk using that flawed document. Iacfsme 2014 section...
Even in their initial description they miss out PEM as the defining feature. They have still a fatigue plus maybe some other symptoms focus which...
Is this significantly any different to the highlight notice that's been sitying therd for years? It's a pathetic response to the "funding for ME...
Separate names with a comma.