Thanks for sharing all your in depth knowledge , whilst initially I was down I actually think on reflection it's pretty good news to have such a...
Thanks for that info. Whilst nothing is licensed for MEwe can struggle to get appropriate pain sleep and so on meds from GPs. One GP refused to up...
I thought Chias findings were through biopsy and no one else has done it to confirm or disprove. I thought doing biopsy in CFS wasn't typical...
TBH I think there is as AFME have the stance of ME=CFS, don't commit to any criteria or discuss these issues and we know that Drs are diagnosing...
Is that the case in MS etc? I doubt it. If it is the system it's a stupid system but the NHS is pretty awful in illness management (rather than...
One concern is the evident fuzziness in uk regarding name, definition, criteria etc. So someone with predominantly unexplained fatigue might be...
Worth reading the 2016 service assessment & feasibility study dr nacul was commissioned to do mentioned above. I've read a 1/4 so far....
I thought people on here might be more informed than the average sufferer and therefore their responses would affect what "might" otherwise be...
In addition, East Coast Community Health (ECCH), who deliver the current service have been, throughout the service development process, reluctant...
The service is for people who are assessed by their GP to have made limited improvement having been referred and treated by the ME & CFS service...
[MEDIA] Action for ME have a survey on the NICE draft which they say will inform their feedback. 120 people have done it
thanks everyone. It seems I was especially weak. Perhaps that's why I succumbed as a teen , most people commenting got sick well into adult life....
In my view this is gross over simplification and likely wrong too. I'm surprised at this from a dr with experience of severe ME, Jessica Taylor...
I agree. I was pro SEID and hounded off a group for "betraying PwME", despite being bedridden with classic ME and just wanting to shift away from...
Wow that's impressive. You were sick in later life? I'm not sure if I had ADHD/anxiety so maybe for me the idea of focussing all that time seems...
I was pretty active too and would have classed myself as fit , active and healthy. Except as discussed on here, endurance sport - swimming &...
I was wondering if people can think back to their pre illness levels of energy. Do you think you could have regularly worked 12 hour shifts? I...
Good point and the toxic message around CFS in the uk (I don't think you have this image problem In the states, obviously the SMC part engineered...
Regarding characterised by fatigue, this is how AFME are describing it and they also wrote the parliamentary briefing bit that also copied their...
Re PEM in the severe , i am very severe and yes I am in often constant PEM because any life /stimulation is an exertion , however I can also, like...
Separate names with a comma.