I suspect that the Mayo Clinic is so convinced of their protean powers to diagnose anything, that they are even more convinced that there must be...
From the climax of the classic, 1951 sci-fi/horror film "The THING From Another World." The soldiers prepare to confront the murderous, alien...
Usually, videos like this wind up being fairly equivocal, but not this time...
Dr. Hanson @ 3:33 [bolding mine] Perhaps it's time to declare that there is a biomarker.
I'm pretty sure that the subtext of searching for "perfectionism" in ME/CFS is really based on the idea that patients are regarding minor...
Well, one thing I've noticed is that when the veins in my wrists can no longer be discerned, my blood pressure is significantly higher than when...
I'm pretty sure that this report is from 2015. Although it is only dated "Tue, Feb 10", 2/10/18 was a Saturday, but 2/10/2015 was a Tuesday - and...
Fascinating stuff! Here is a thread that shows how people can help support Llewellyn King's work on "ME/CFS Alert."...
In the teleconference, Dr. Lipkin said this: [From the NIH transcript] By "the findings that came out of UC San Diego" I assume he's referring...
Well, it's good to see that his views are unbiased by personal experience, unlike like some of those pesky members of the IOM panel. :rolleyes:
I can't decide if it's more like "Altered States" (1980), where other modes of consciousness actually can rearrange your molecules... [IMG]...
I tend to get tinnitus about twice a year, in late spring and early fall. It usually only lasts a week or two. Sometimes, it lasts somewhat...
They produce a handy flier entitled: Advice for Researchers Experiencing Harassment...
A couple of quotes from Melvin Ramsay, circa 1986. This is exactly how it started for me. In my case it was not "spinning" vertigo, but rather a...
I like how at the new link to the Telegraph article SW isn't even mentioned in the caption to the photo, making him look like some random, wacky...
Yes, and the older woman is Ruth Gordon. She won an Academy Award for this performance and was nominated for Golden Globes for this and "Harold...
You're all so suspicious! Show me one example where things turned out badly when a gregarious older person insinuated themselves into the life of...
I'm having trouble figuring out their priorities... [ATTACH]
Have they done any vision tests? Vision and balance are fairly intertwined. In a neurological workup I'm pretty sure they would have checked for...
I came across this from "A Hummingbird's Guide to M.E." (2006) [ About 35 years ago, I had spinal fluid drawn about a month after onset. I'm...
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