I have today contacted Ms Lynn Bracewell, NHS Digital to discuss what might be possible, if NHS Digital is not intending to adopt ICD-10: Version...
Wasn't it £600.00 for a non validated blood test? I hope the lab refunded those who purchased a test from them. I remember well the flurry of...
Do we have data on what percentage of patients with an existing diagnosis of ME or CFS who are evaluated by Dr Bolognese are recommended for surgery?
The David and Wessely Letter to the Editor, Chronic fatigue, ME and ICD-10, 1993 is quoted and discussed and several responses to that letter...
I am intending to contact Lynn Bracewell, lead NHS Digital, in the next day or so. I had discussions with her in 2016/17. She participates in...
Well that's very tolerant of you, Sean. I'd like to add the following observation and then I'll shut up about ICD and coding: amongst some...
This elephant doesn't often forget but it's taken until this morning to remember where it might have been filed. In attachment and for the...
At the risk of sounding like that boring person you get trapped with in the kitchen at parties.... The following was sent to an advocate in...
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR| VOLUME 342, ISSUE 8881, P1247-1248, NOVEMBER 13, 1993 Chronic fatigue, ME, and ICD-10 Anthony David Simon Wessely...
And so the promotion of evaluation for surgery goes on... and promotion of Jeff's site and Jen's theories... [MEDIA] [MEDIA]
Didn't Jen Brea also give a presentation at Stanford a few weeks ago?
A tad under 1.5 pages, which include two photos - the largest of which is the usual - well dressed female, 30s, full make up, jewellery, head in...
Only just seen this in the Times2 print edition - arhhh! Also mentions Suzanne O'Sullivan's book as "the first person to write substantially on...
She's also associated with the Poole based Emotional Processing group, a U of Bournemouth research unit and U of Southampton....
Blimey, sounds like The Secret cult or Channelling Abraham.
No time to read this today and apologies if already posted in another thread: https://psyarxiv.com/bwa6m/ What is the Functional / Organic...
Brilliant, Scott, thanks, and do keep me posted.
Note that in the proposal of 2016 submitted for ICD-10 by Ms Mabon, deletion of the Index term "Benign myalgic encephalomyelitis" had also been...
For ICD-11, the electronic Coding Tool performs the role of the Alphabetical Index, as the starting point for coders. Just to demonstrate what...
Well, if WHO/MSAC/CSAC/Robert Jakob do accept my proposal for ICD-11 (which includes selected extracts from the joint proposal with Mary in March...
Separate names with a comma.