A PDF of the revised position statement (which is still dated 30 September 2020) can be downloaded from the site of ME Research UK:...
Indeed. #MEAction UK had also worked closely on briefing documents for (the now Vice-chair of Forward-ME) Carol Monaghan MP. What will happen to...
Here is the full statement: https://www.meaction.net/2020/10/20/meaction-uks-membership-of-forward-me/ October 20, 2020 #MEAction UK are sad to...
I think the forum would be well advised to retain its independence.
Also, new clinical terms for classification and terminology systems need to be unique. What happens if we get, say, a "Corona Virus Disease 2023"...
I predict that the WHO will list "Long Covid" under Synonyms under whatever term is eventually approved for addition to ICD-10, ICD-11 and SNOMED CT.
The WHO, ICD and SNOMED CT agreed official term and associated coding for the virus (and its associated terminology and codes, for which there are...
@Robert 1973 and @Wonko Although development of this guideline is being fast-tracked under the NICE Rapid Guideline process, I assume there will...
Guideline Project documents: https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/indevelopment/gid-ng10179/documents Guideline Scope published (30 October 2020):...
See thread UK - NICE guideline on Long Covid to be produced Posts #46, #47, and #48 for text of Guideline Scope document and links for other...
[ED: My highlighting in brown] Themes to be excluded from the evidence search • Management of acute COVID-19 (symptoms experienced for up to 4...
3 Who the guideline is for The guideline will be of interest to: • Health and social care practitioners, commissioners and providers of...
NICE Guideline Scope https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/gid-ng10179/documents/final-scope COVID-19 guideline scope: management of the long-term...
Moved from this thread: Possibility of ME or PVFS after COVID-19, Long Covid [MEDIA]...
Cue snouts in troughs.
Separate names with a comma.