The only consistent factor for my fasting blood sugar being high in the morning (I have diabetes now) is how much I've over-exerted recently.
Or ask patients if they're depressed. And believe them when they answer :rolleyes:
Unforutantely the Perrin study seemed a bit quackish in that regards. More akin to diagnosing based on posture than standing blood pressure,...
No, you're completely right. A common BPS trick is using inappropriate questionnaires then pretending that a difference from healthy controls is...
Or not depressed, since they don't meet the threshold for a diagnosis.
Because they have a very large and nasty bias which results in unconditional support for anything involving Simon Wessely.
The only likely effect of inserting an ad for a specific research project is that it will make the objection to Crawley's talk look like it has no...
They also tried to use Wessely's harassment article as evidence, from what I recall, but the court was not impressed. Wessely wasn't a PACE...
Possible, but extraordinarily unlikely, given the attention she is seeking based on her claims. Why use a fake letter if she has a real one that...
Publishing patients are having an impact :cool:: [ATTACH]
If that's Facebook, why doesn't it know that I'm already logged into Facebook? :cautious:
I'd be curious to see the comments from the reviewers. I doubt he was happy with the statements indicating all of his Oxford research is useless...
Wow, they both nailed it. Considering they only had 5 minutes, they were extremely on-point in going after the major issues. Though I think the...
Enough of the weather already. It's the UK, it's gonna suck. :neutral:
I think it is. After mentioning Unrest, they were only talking about a cooking show that starts after this show.
I thought they said 9:50 for Jen & Charles when showing the preview, but I wasn't paying close attention.
We get BBC One in the Netherlands too :-)
I'm still half expecting him to cure himself, write a book about it, and go on tour to inspire the masses :-P No doubt his intentions are good,...
Well, the EU says it's illegal. The Netherlands smiles politely, ignores the EU, and continues to charge the tax while completely failing to...
They probably aren't that scientific. Based on the tweets, it's a lot of enthusiastic liberal arts students who still believe everything they're...
Separate names with a comma.