I would have preferred the objective measurements be the primary ones, but there was at least one objective secondary outcome. There might be a...
I'll PM you with contact info.
He's ... nice. And very good at dumbing things down. A bit too good, perhaps :-P He has a tendency to promote a lot of things without a good...
I didn't realize the file you uploaded was a different study you co-authored. I appreciate that you seem to view ME as an immune disease and...
Yes, fatigue is nothing to me. It's not pleasant, but I can ignore it. I can't ignore PEM or more immediate muscle weakness and orthostatic...
Exactly. They didn't have any records or other evidence for the FOIA request, but are still happy to take Crawley's accusations at face value and...
The problem with this is that we don't care about "fatigue". Fatigue isn't what disables us, or makes our lives more unpleasant. When we...
Motive is almost never a required element of a crime, so doesn't have to proven. But motive is often featured by the attorneys in court cases,...
This is the relevant bit from a very helpful booklet at http://www.amdf.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Mito-Medical-Info-Booklet-201405-web.pdf...
I think @Jonathan Edwards says we're awesome from time to time. Maybe he's got a good quote already, or would like to come up with a new one...
I saw the perfect comeback for that while watching an old episode of Ray Donovan last night (naughty language warning): [MEDIA] :angel:
It's possible that's what helped me at well. During onset, my walking wasn't too bad, but I couldn't keep my sense of balance on a bicycle, and...
It's one of those articles which is a bizarre mix of biomedical evidence and psychosocial bullshit. Basically they seem to be suggesting that...
The problem with citing the failure of CBT/GET or other previous treatments to create an ongoing placebo effect, is that the placebo effect wears...
From what I recall, they weren't given the budget needed for the necessary appointments with the specialist, or testing. I think there was quite...
A sample taken from urine was tested via Long Template PCR and Ion Torrent PGM. Urine isn't 100% sensitive for detecting heteroplasmic mutations,...
Why is it in the research governance section? This is how that team is described on Bristol's website: It sounds like the Research Policy or...
Discussing other forums in a positive manner would be very likely to attract dissenting opinions, so all discussion regarding events on other...
Yes, Rule 11 doesn't apply to behavior on remote platforms, so people can certainly discuss other forums elsewhere without facing any consequences...
Separate names with a comma.