I don’t think ME/CFS attracts an abnormal amount of bad research. All science publishing and especially all medical publishing is full of bad...
My N=1: No, this symptom is not lateralised; and yes, blocking one eye or one ear helps. For me, reducing the input by covering one eye or ear...
Can’t we just reply to this sort of nonsense with ‘No thank you’. I’m fed up with wasting my scarce “METs” on humouring and nursing the egos of...
There are several activities related to managing my time commitments which usually fall to my family and which a computer could take care of. That...
The Ramsay Fund seems to be making some surprising decisions. Does anyone know what is going on? A compassionate and fearless family member who...
Two absolutely critical points which so often get forgotten by the “it can’t do any harm” approach to quackery.
Presumably we can expect more of the same in relation to Long Covid: "Exercise does not cause PEM in a cohort of Long Covid patients most of whom...
I think I’ve posted about this before, so forgive me if this anecdote is familiar, but my cat - who was seriously ill with cat flu when he came to...
That’s how I see it too. The difference between a blood test and a patient history is that patients do not have conscious control over their...
Maximal flexibility around PPI activities, including the ability to use a proxy, support to contribute in advance or afterwards instead of during...
TLC? That name is quite the sick joke. The opposite of tender, loving care. The internet suggests that in a nursing context TLC should stand for...
Without severity, this study is meaningless. I can’t go to the doctor so I don’t, and she won’t come to me. During the pandemic I was able to use...
A wonderful letter. Trish, you are amazing. How incredibly depressing that this needs to be written though. What other medical condition is...
Other way round for me - migraines are triggered by PEM. My migraines respond well to triptans fortunately. If I’ve run out of triptans and have...
I often get this as part of PEM (severe/ v severe). The symptoms themselves are exhausting, so I have no choice but to stop eating until it goes...
Indeed, I think it would be really valuable to include the views of adults looking back at their childhood experiences. I was too traumatised as a...
Thanks @Valerie Eliot Smith. That’s extremely helpful. Am I right in thinking that “unlawful killing” is available to coroners as a conclusion in...
Utterly incomprehensible. “What level of physical activity triggered a worsening of symptoms?” With the options of “no physical activity is...
That article managed to miss the obvious point that for many, ADLs are the maximal exertion that can be tolerated. On an average day, I walk to...
There’s a difference between sickness behaviour and health-help-seeking (to use the awful jargon). Women often push through minor illnesses in...
Separate names with a comma.