If we consider ME/CFS to be a disease with a unique pathology or a set of diseases with common symptomology and unique pathologies, then the...
It's a definitional problem, Long Covid Syndrome includes so many pathologies that there can not logically be a simple equivalence of LCS =...
This is yet another study which shows that any link between ME/CFS and the spectrum of illness covered by "Long Covid Syndrome" is tenuous or...
Wasn't sure where to put this, it's important in understanding what does and does not get published - twitter thread: [MEDIA]
https://www.firmenwissen.com/en/az/firmeneintrag/20095/2152034173/ME_CFS_RESEARCH_FOUNDATION_GGMBH.html "ME/CFS Research Foundation gGmbH has its...
Scepticism is certainly justified - I wonder however whether this is not a political move "away" from the failed CBT/GET focus rather than a...
Agree - though more broadly it is matter of appropriate allocation of resources matched to aims and ambitions. As an example for comparison,...
I don't like websites that are seeking my money and which don't have an upfront of: who (named persons with whom the buck stops), where (physical...
Terms of use: https://neuroproactive.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Neuro-ProActive-terms-and-conditions-12-08-20.pdf Company data:...
Focusing on disabled children is the whole point, it's why the report was created in partnership with Disability Rights UK - their member...
There is a huge public health problem in the UK, where sedentary behaviour and massive calorie intakes are causing an epidemic of avoidable...
"Establish the first Genetics Centre of Excellence. We will establish a virtual network of M.E. researchers to work with the M.E. community, to...
At this point, it has to be accepted that ME/CFS is a very difficult problem. Even if resources hadn't been wasted on chasing down a mythological...
Probably worth mentioning IBS as a co-morbidity, not just a stand alone illness. IBS in ME/CFS may be different to IBS in an otherwise healthy person.
The decision about NIHR's long term funding of/ relationship with Cochrane is due this month - the current arrangement ends in 2023. Presumably...
Thank you. I think that "postviral fatigue syndrome" is doing a lot of work !
Do they give a reference for that ? Incidence is very poorly recorded which makes understanding recovery rates very problematic. That Norway...
You are right of course. But - committees ! They have a life of their own, and are almost impossible to kill, they just go on and on unless...
I guess a lot of those who might be involved have had a major diversion of attention/resources* because of 30 months of pandemic. Certainly Hilda...
I'm sure that is right. There isn't much latitude for arguing with NIHR for more basic research because that isn't what the core NIHR brief is and...
Separate names with a comma.