Can you explain this further b/c in Hashimoto's Disease (at least in my case), I have both autoantibodies, TPO and TGAb. There are other...
I didn't mean to imply that mold illness equals ME versus, in my personal opinion, that mold/mycotoxins is one potential trigger of ME. It is...
I didn't vote either but I believe strongly that environmental triggers are one (of many) causes of ME in some cases. Environmental medicine is...
Is there any known treatment for this virus? Does it respond to HIV medications?
I don’t think you can say yes or no b/c the triggers are so varied (and many have multiple triggers). My illness (whatever it will ultimately be...
I think environmental triggers like toxic black mold, certain pesticides/sheep dip, vaccines, etc, can be the trigger of ME/CFS in certain cases...
Absolutely beautiful and equally heartbreaking.
I just watched this video and agree that it is very well-done. It was interesting because the doctors in the video spoke about the calcium...
Thanks @Inara and it sounds like we are interested in a lot of the same topics and research. I know all of this research is in the preliminary...
I totally agree with you! I do not dismiss that all of these potential treatments have risks (IVIG, Rituximab, IA or PP) but I would still want to...
Sorry, I didn't mean that you (or anyone!) wasn't allowed to say it. I just wish there could be more of a discussion amongst the individuals who...
Sorry, I did not realize you meant EBNA (and that is one of the tests I have been positive on since having Mono). I just Googled yonks (and still...
It explains it to me and there is a really interesting discussion about it on the other board. I wish there could be one here too vs. all the...
This video was posted on the other board and it explains how the EBV virus leads to autoimmune diseases. It explains it better than I ever could!...
I guess we agree to disagree as usual :banghead:;). My doctors who know my entire case are convinced it was viral (EBV + others) that shifted...
Because they are an enormous money maker for Ortho-McNeil/Johnson & Johnson. They are one of the top drugs in the US (maybe worldwide, I am not...
Thank you (re: my mom) and it really is true re: our system. You pay a small fortune for the insurance every month, but this is absolutely NO...
Thanks for explaining all of this, LB, and I really want to learn more about the different systems. In the US, if you have an HMO, then you are...
I do not believe that EBV is a risk factor for everyone who encounters it. Some people get severe mono, they recover, and it never affects them...
Welcome @Thinktank and great to see you over here. You know my story already but a neurotoxic reaction to Levaquin was the very beginning of my...
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