New paper from Dr Broderick’s team. It seems to me that this would be a first paper and that other are in the works. Abstract Background The...
I did have bruising while on Aspirin following each of my surgeries. i am not on Nimodipime but i looked up the side effects and bruising is one...
Quite a few patients committed suicide following Wessely’s visit in British Coumbia which was late 1980’s or early 1990’s. If I remember well,...
Bingo! Both of these meds can cause bruising. I would not worry too much unless you have excessive and apparent bruising everywhere.
It might be minor spontaneous micro-bruising. Nothing to be alarmed about. It may happen if you are on blood thinner but also for other reasons or...
Functional Interrogation of Primary Human T Cells via CRISPR Genetic Editing Dr Unutmaz is one of the principal investigator of this paper....
Patients in hospital have all kinds of needs. They sign consent to care. An assessement is continually done throughout the day and the night to...
Clearly, you are not a nurse and whatever i say will be responded by an angry answer. So I will stop argueing and say that we are currently on the...
I agree that BPS in ME is for the most part, all wrong because there is a repression of the biological part and because there has been an abuse in...
That is exactly what is needed. Instead of sending the patient home and cash up their check, for once, they could speak up. Their voice can be...
Bravo! thank you Todd E Davenport, Staci R Stevens, J Mark VanNess, Jared Stevens, Christopher R Snell. You are true heroes.
Don’t get me wrong though. It is coming from a nursing perspective. When I visit a doctor, it is because i want my medical issues addressed. I...
hi Tom, the Wessely and White type of BPS (precipitating and perpetuating factors) are one dimension of BPS. From my nursing training and likely...
I am a registered nurse and when I was trained we learned about the bio-psycho-social model of care. I believe it is thought across all allied...
Some of the best researchers in the world, notably Dr Lipkin (the virus hunter) and dr Davis looked for signs of infection and did not find it. It...
Pilot studies are meant to be small. It is designed so they can explore hypothesis without too much financial and human ressource investment....
I would like to add a research suggestion: Compare patients with myasthenia gravis to ME patients in all ways possible. the recent ME/CFS Alert...
This may work for addressing sleep, or upset stomach, or any issues that are easy fix for a family practitioner. However, this system will not...
Boooo... hiss... booo... hiss.... The easy way out, take the money and run. This is not medicine. P.S. @Woolie this is not directed at you.
I agree James, and I would add that it is starting to get branded as sustainable health care, as a way to prevent the expenses of diagnostics and...
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