There is a report in the making in Ontario about ‘environmentally-linked’ diseases for which they only include ME, Fibromyalgia and environmental...
Government, particularly the uk government has targeted the chronically ill especially in the last few years.
Why is it so difficult? :banghead:
Congratulations @Gary Burgess, best wishes to both of you!
We are at 71% rigt now... can we reach 75% by the end of the day? :hug:
I donated once more to Dr Tuller’s fund following this story. I encourage everyone to donate, however small amount you can afford.
It starts like this: When last we encountered Prof. Michael Sharpe, he was giving a secret speech about ME/CFS at Oxford University’s St Cross...
But it is important to publish negative studies. This is part of the scientific process. They tested a theory, and it’s been disproven. Now can...
Look, there will always be volunteers to try out things. There is value in performing a double blinded clinical trial, the value being knowing...
The placebo response is a powerful thing... especially when there are no biomarkers to begin with. Uh huh. Herb and spices. Hasn’t cured anybody...
Nutrition IS taught in grade school and high school. Good nutrition is definitely affected if you have no money to buy nutritious food, or if you...
Thank you @Marky. These things take so much time. Nothing moves fast.
Personally dietary changes has done nothing for my ME and I am still sick, but it’s just not me there are others too. People who have attempted...
I have read the article. And this made me think. Ever wonder why the psychiatrists (and the insurance companies) (and the NHS) so desperately want...
In a past life i was registered nurse in a past life, working in autologous stem cell transplants for patients with lymphoma and multiple myeloma....
Quick question, when is the Cyclophosphamide paper due? It was my understanding it was due early 2018... Thank you. Looking forward to the paper.
Tinnitus is almost constant but definitely more pronounced as soon as i exert myself. In fact this is an indicator for me to ‘thread carefully’ or...
Hi @JohnTheJack can you please explain what TSC and TMG stand for?
I wish I had my spinal fluid tested. I am all about providing data including cerebrospinal fluid sample, but my health care system stubbornly does...
@Arnie Pye I think the main question is are you anemic, yes or no? If your hemoglobin is normal, then there is nothing to worry about. Eat well,...
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