Still no mention of masks in the UK plan... I don't see why we won't have a surge of cases now.
This idea of an infection threshold still confuses me. I don't see why you'd need more than one viral particle (which will replicate in your body)...
There seems to have been a new study of how long the virus lasts on surfaces (including packaging surfaces), which contradicts results from an...
Alternative Sage meeting streaming now: [MEDIA]
Brilliant, thanks for posting! :) Here is the link to the livestream (edited): [MEDIA]
Very interesting: [MEDIA] The article is paywalled but the first bit is interesting. Livestreaming! Transparency!
Is there a good, authoritative summary somewhere online of the evidence pro and con masks? I'm hearing reports on the UK news that masks offer...
BBC report on Boris Johnson's statement:
Boris Johnson just gave a statement that sounded cautious about relaxing lockdown, with an intention to avoid a second wave. No detail.
When you can make a mask out of an old t-shirt I can't see it as a cost issue. TBH, I think the govt either thinks the British public is too...
Heard on R4 this morning that we are to expect today a govt announcement that we should wear masks, but on a voluntary :arghh: basis.
Not sure this has been mentioned previously – just listening to More all Less on R4 and a guy from Oxford University reported that, according to...
The WHO now seem to be saying that they're worried that having been infected with coronavirus doesn't necessarily mean that you're immune but if...
Anthony Costello was top of the BBC1 lunchtime news today, saying that the govt had responded too slowly to the pandemic.
Just heard this guy a couple of minutes ago on R4 talking about this - extremely interesting - his team has gathered nearly 300 suggestions: [MEDIA]
I wouldn't underestimate people's wish to help and to do right by others. I think we're seeing huge amounts of that. I wonder if the assumption...
Is there an authoritative list now of how long this coronavirus lasts on various surfaces? I'd been leaving food in card and paper packaging for a...
Thanks - you've just saved me a giant job!
Thanks - I should have done that! I've edited the title to show it's about the UK.
A quick survey to do. At the end, there's the opportunity to explain any problems you've had - a chance for us to point out that the problems that...
Separate names with a comma.