Rather worryingly of course, now the account is private then similar things could be posted, to a large number of people. I suppose it just...
From @dave30th's blog: [ATTACH] Extrapolating anything always requires great caution, given you are making assumptions outside the bounds of the...
Yes, even though the funding is very modest, the choice of projects helps send the right signals, which is important. Just saw video...
"CFS/ME is a long term condition that persists for the majority of adult patients even after receiving specialist treatment." Exactly. My first... Rule of thumb relating to the law of diminishing returns, often taken as saying that very often...
Doubt I can help much here, but I suspect the 80:20 rule would come into play somewhere.
Can't respond with my real thoughts without infringing forum rules, so I'll refrain :).
‘I’m going to beat this,’ Trump tells Rudy Giuliani of COVID-19 during phone call “I feel I could get out of here right now. But they’re telling...
This ... "and was completed before any outcome data were examined" ... carries little weight in an open label trial, where the treatments entail...
Done. To be pedantic, if you want to ensure you also cover the 7.5% fee, then you need to add a tiny bit more than 7.5% to your donation. For...
The following is a science article (not political) about Trump's treatments being administered for Covid 19....
My understanding is that the POTUS is the source of this information, so I suppose it must be genuine.
Already sorted.
[MEDIA] This is self contradictory. For many pwME "gradually increasing" will invariably be reaching a point where they are pushing through. I...
Exactly. The idea that if you get a bug that doesn't actually kill you, and you would not then fully recover from it, is way beyond what a normal...
Yes, understood and agreed. Again playing devil's advocate. Once we have learned to drive a car, many of our physical actions are what I would...
Although I'd be willing to contribute to all this, I'm still very content with my old iPhone 4, which is a long way short of the required spec to...
Separate names with a comma.