I think any 'therapy' which involves opt-in-by-default publication to the world, of personal video footage of vulnerable patients is highly...
Yes, as in having just rounded the final turn of a running track and now the finish line is straight in front of you. ETA: Or possibly horse...
It is reported that South Korea have had their amazing results without a lockdown, but in a sense that is a bit misleading. What they did in...
I guess this is the positive outlook that will encourage a pwME to do the exercise their body is physically incapable of :rolleyes: :(.
Yes OK, people who are seriously physically incapacitated will unavoidably become deconditioned. But if they are seriously incapacitated,...
Regarding children and infection spread, a question please @Jonathan Edwards. Presumably virus can vary in potency, so that would presumably apply...
I think the notion of delay - or not - needs very careful consideration. My wife is mild/moderate, and on good days can do fairly low power...
Yes. Maybe the symptoms of PEM warrants a study in itself, because it is so misunderstood by people convinced they understand. I think at its most...
Yes you're absolutely right, sorry. My skim clearly skimmed over a crucial bit of info.
I'm inclined to think if you have paid a lot of money for something, then it becomes more difficult to objectively accept if it failed to work.
Only just skimmed this, but very heartening insofar as the overview does what it should - identify cr*p Cochrane reviews as it finds them, and...
No I'm afraid not. The doctors did not really offer any advice either way. But my wife is always driven to push through where she can. These days...
I confess I'd not read it in detail, and missed the notion patients were being blamed for aspiring to high achievements. Like I say, when I had...
Of course, which is why I said 'think' and 'might'. I don't think it is proven either way.
"Those most susceptible are often busy "high-achievers" who probably find it hard to rest up during the onset of their illness". I may be taking...
'one [NIH] reviewer rejecting 1 for a diagnostic test: “because there’s no cure for ME/CFS – why would we want to diagnose it better?” ' The very...
That is exactly what I suspected.
In the second article I'm guessing something may have got lost in translation here ... Given the rest of the article, did Charlotte Ryhl really...
Separate names with a comma.