Yes, we need to be careful not to write off a project just because of some associations. Not everybody within any institution is the enemy. We...
This research will help us to improve the questionnaire, or to choose an alternative questionnaire which patients find easier to complete. Not...
Yeah, I am inclined to that view. We need to be careful to avoid making a mountain out of a molehill here.
Don't know what the situation is elsewhere, but in Australia you do not have the right to make an objective recording of a psych assessment. The...
Another word (pathological ?) might have been better word than deviant. But otherwise this seems a good result. Another piece of pseudo-science...
In many ways we have been relatively lucky with COVID-19. Could have been a lot worse. And will be if we don't learn the lessons. The next one may...
By far the hardest thing I had to do was accept the reality of both the disease itself, and the medical system and broader society not giving me...
The marketing continues...
The gravy train rolls on. :grumpy:
"Possible factors" Great. Wonderful. Fantastic. Get back to us when you have robustly established this causal model and treatments based on it....
Our societies are not set up to cope with this level of morbidity. It is likely to get a lot worse before it gets better.
"Practicing mindfulness can also help people learn to pay attention better, and Budson said that he is "a big believer that people can improve...
If just a single doctor had said to me at the start: We really don't know what is going on for patients with this. You are going to encounter some...
"misery perfusion" ???
Adults can at least fight back a bit against this cruelty. But it being done to children enrages me, especially the threats of removing them...
Thank you, @Peter Kemp. :thumbup:
Well said, @Mithriel
Whole problem in a nutshell.
...everybody on the front line.
Separate names with a comma.