'First they came for the communists...' First they came for the disabled children, actually. ––––––– @adambeyoncelowe, @Keela Too
Enough said.
Holidays, of any form, did nothing for me. :thumbsdown:
Or that patients are having to pay more attention to how they move because of organic pathology affecting movement, and that because, among other...
cognitive, somatic, and behavioral symptoms (CSBS) Medicine by acronym.
Very much appreciating your input here, @hibiscuswahine It is important that we don't write off all of psychiatry/psychology on the basis of our...
We have a long way to go, people. :grumpy:
Indeed. There is an important distinction between a disease process being in place and active, and it reaching the level of sufficient harm or...
Translation: 'It is not our fault the rest of you are idiots.' The real problem is that we understood all too clearly, through hard earned...
Patients described the need to accept disease-imposed limitations and life adjustments. As we have been saying for decades.
Negative, as defined by...?
And tinnitus is exactly the same as having ME.
Supplementary Result: Wearing some form of actimeter for an extended period does not seem to be a burden for patients.
Prof Crawley. Specialty: superficial paternalistic infantilising intrusive micromanagement, especially if you don't need it.
And, sadly, completely unsurprising.
In which case they are not 'functional' in any meaningful sense of the word as originally used in 'functional disorders', and it should be...
Stop me if you have heard this story before.
Very good. :thumbup: ––––––– Serfaty et al [2019] add ‘our results suggest that resources for a relatively costly therapy such as IAPT-delivered...
Is there any flower name that could work with 'Millions Missing'? EDIT: For example, the 'Million Bells' Calibrachoa species.
Separate names with a comma.