It's a bit alarming to read in this thread that lipomas are hereditary. My late father had one very close to one of his cheekbones and he kept...
Let's assume that ME is always a result of the body not recovering from an unspecified virus. Expecting everyone's symptoms to be exactly the same...
I'm actually expecting that the NHS will stick with GET, CBT, BPS and the MUS approach for long Covid. British sufferers can only hope that...
Coronavirus: 'Long Covid' patients need treatment programme, doctors say
I wrote about my sleeping habits and sleeping problems at some length in this thread from a couple of years ago :...
If I counted correctly the paper has 21 authors. Why does this stuff need so many? What do they all do?
If people are given anti-depressants their emotions get flattened. Is that what they want? I find it very annoying when I'm told, either in...
From post #153 above, in the first quote : I half expected to see the addition of "or else xxxxx" at the end of that sentence. For anything...
Yes, I know what a pentagram is and its associations with witchcraft. I was making a sort-of joke which obviously failed miserably. ;) :bag:...
I was thinking it was more like a pentagram.
I've seen people talking about doing this in the past. I have a few questions about it. 1) How do people archive links, documents, and images in...
I think this recent blog post from Malcolm Kendrick deserves an airing in this thread : COVID – why terminology really, really matters I found...
I think my point still stands though. If people don't know how many people die under normal circumstances in an ordinary year, then covid-19 death...
Do you know how many people die from all causes in Florida at this time of year under normal circumstances? If you don't then you have no context...
These two websites : are both geared towards helping people improve their bone health if...
It's ironic that, in the UK, DHEA has been classed as an anabolic steroid and is a category C controlled drug and is thus illegal to buy. You can...
I suspect that a major cause of memory problems in people over 65 is polypharmacy. And I would also suspect that diets are likely to be poor in...
Just picking one thing almost at random... Anaemia is a well-known biomedical cause of fatigue. I'm not sure what point you are trying to make....
I notice that one assumption they don't mention is that only females suffer from the pointless crap they are "investigating".
If you want to know your vitamin D level you can get it tested in the UK with a finger-prick test. The sample has to be sent back to the lab...
Separate names with a comma.