If 100% of people who have been deployed in war zones come back with below normal levels of vitamin D, it seems blindingly obvious to me that...
I've never heard of someone suffering from hugely severe reactions to B12 before, but then there is a first time for everything. There are four...
Association and causation aren't the same, as you obviously know. If someone gets liver cancer and their liver can no longer store B12 they may...
In post #1 in this thread I gave three links and gave a superficial description of what each of the three links was. I should have said "article...
I think the paper article in link 3 debunking the paper in link 1 gives me plenty of reasons for thinking it is appalling.
I think that the problem with the issue of high levels of B12 is that people don't take into account or know the direction of...
This is one of the absurdities of the paper I linked from JAMA. The researchers had no idea who was supplementing.
Title : Death at Justice: the story of Emanuel Gomes Author : Jack Shenker Link :...
Merged thread Association of Plasma Concentration of Vitamin B12 With All-Cause Mortality in the General Population in the Netherlands, 2020,...
@JemPD Bravo for your post ( # 7 in this thread ) :thumbup::emoji_clap:
Sarcasm alert ... My feeling has been for some years that just seeing a doctor must be proof of mental illness (unless you have a bone sticking...
I can't give a link - I found this info in an article several years ago but have never managed to find it again since, so take this post with a...
Very good (long) article on Britain's response to Covid-19 and how it ended up being so bad : Title : Into the fog: How Britain lost track of the...
I would guess that the creators of the graphic chose to display causes of death that would ensure Covid-19 ended up at the top.
Thanks, @Invisible Woman. I understand now. :D
@Invisible Woman Sorry, but I got confused. Who was on the board of the private rehab clinic? Your GP or your consultant or the consultant that...
Short article on the long-term effects of Spanish Flu on people who were in utero during the height of the pandemic. The effects of the Spanish...
Title : Why I'm sceptical about the NHS's coronavirus recovery service Subtitle : I’ve seen firsthand how years of underfunding have left our...
Given that sick people are assumed to be at fault for spending too much time thinking about their bodies and their symptoms, doesn't mindfulness...
Title : Warning of serious brain disorders in people with mild coronavirus symptoms Subtitle : UK neurologists publish details of mildly...
Separate names with a comma.