News in Brief posts for w/c 18th Dec. Facebook:...
Then that shows I don't understand your analogy.
Are we not talking about different things here? I make no claim to be able to define PEM or the other issues that pwME face in terms of what is...
Well, I for one don't understand the distinction being made between exertion and energy-consuming activity. Or at least I don't understand the...
Can get to them via
While I don't disagree with your nuance, the issue we have at the moment is that part of the listed PEM complex is fatigue, so we then get PEM...
The issue with that is the "can be immediate" part of "An onset that can be immediate or delayed after the exertional stimulus by hours, days, or...
"PEM and post-exertional fatigue (PEF) Note that post-exertional malaise is not the same as post-exertional fatigue (PEF) as experienced by people...
No, that probably shouldn't have happened. Even though the team are now holiday until the New Year, please could you send an email to...
Trying to compile a kind of "where we are with PEM, and investigating it" list, and have this at the moment, fatigue after exertion isn't PEM. We...
Full title: Social support in low-income women with Fibromyalgia Syndrome from a sub-urban and peri-urban areas of Tenerife (Canary Islands,...
No, I've not read it as it is paywalled.
Abstract The purpose of this study was to establish if muscle aerobic metabolism is abnormal in chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Myoblast cultures...
Summary We have examined the muscle biopsies of 50 patients who had postviral fatigue syndrome (PFS) for from 1 to 17 years. We found mild to...
OBJECTIVES To examine the proportions of type 1 and type 2 muscle fibres and the degree of muscle fibre atrophy and hypertrophy in patients with...
Abstract It has been shown previously that some patients with chronic fatigue syndrome show an abnormal increase in plasma lactate following a...
My question would be what evidence Hanson has seen to support her view. I wasn't aware that we have seen sufficient testing of patients to...
Yet another paper that references the Cochrane review as showing that exercise has, "an established moderate evidence base for effectiveness",...
"The aim of this study was to perform a systematic review assessing the relationship between FSSs and outcomes after spine surgery. We looked at 6...
Objective To perform a systematic review assessing the relationship between functional somatic syndromes (FSSs) and clinical outcomes after spine...
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