Thanks - that's nice to hear! Meeting awesome people, and it's a real privilege.
We will have that expertise and (b) ... ....That material I talk about above is full of references and links to the discussion you mean. There...
No, that's not what I meant: I meant making my position public. Social media is a big part of my day and integral to a major part of my work, so...
Yes, we will have independent methodological experts (both for trials and systematic reviews) as members of the IAG, and we'll consult other...
Thanks, again! Point 1: no, it was a different statement by Jonathan that I discussed, and then a version of it from someone else who dropped the...
Thanks - and no worries: the misunderstandings will work themselves out. It's an inevitable process when someone from a different perspective...
Thanks! I'm really sorry to everyone who picks this up at a later point, but while I'll continue to read this thread for the long haul, I...
If the claim that started this discussion was always framed as you phrased it here, then it wouldn't have been a good example of what I mean, so...
Oh yes, it was totally my choice to enter the discussion about ME/CFS and the Cochrane review, and there was no pressure or incentive to agree to...
That's a very different discussion. I was talking about scientific weakness of an argument. It really doesn't bother me personally when you label...
Disagree. Trialists giving undue weight to secondary endpoints is a problem, but that's not by definition because of multiplicity. Whereas you can...
Disagree. Trawling would be something like subgroup analyses that had never been part of the protocol in the first place, not reporting data on a...
Even if the uncertainty around one or more outcomes, including the primary outcome, is so great that it can't be relied on, it does not...
I'm not talking about retrospective cherry-picking: I'm talking about methodically checking every aspect of each study, according to predetermined...
There seems to be a strong degree of concern from many on this forum for more people to understand and support the concerns of people with ME/CFS....
I chose urinary incontinence, and then just did a fairly cursory search for an example of a trial. The reason was because I asked myself, what...
Yes. Although a trial's objective is supposed to be answering what it's testing, and if the intervention fails to achieve what's hoped for, the...
It wasn't an update. It's still the same version of the review - see this at the top: [ATTACH] You can't make changes without the date being...
Yep, but how is information about 2 procedures reliable, if it says their outcomes are equal, when patients say one hurts more than the other?...
Separate names with a comma.