@Web Monkey Also, you could ask about the hallmark symptom of PEM and if they know that there is a worsening of symptoms, often 24-72 hours, after...
Orthostatic Intolerance (as severe as POTS) OR Cognitive Issues are symptoms. GET and CBT has been removed from the CDC treatments page and from...
Carol Head is applying for a voting member position on CFSAC and posted a Twitter message that we can sign the letter through a form on their...
Here in the US, the FDA will allow only 100 people to use it at any given time. It is all out of pocket and the cost of the drug has gone from...
@Barry :emoji_thumbsup:
Welcome, @daktaras! :sun:
I am on Puritan's Pride Omega 3 Fish Oil suggested by my psychiatrist at his recommended dosage and I have had no positive effects on my pain or...
VIROLOGY BLOG'S TRIAL BY ERROR: Reporting on ME/CFS Update April 16, 2018 The Home Stretch...
I can't say I am overly impressed with psychiatry but for some time now I have been quite thankful not to live in the UK because I think what you...
No. It doesn't. Especially since it seems the fault lies in the fact that NHS is having staffing and IT problems and this case and its very bad...
This is her site. http://microbeminded.com/ A microbiologist that suffers from ME/CFS. About: http://microbeminded.com/about-amy/ A letter to...
It sounds like they are not funded well but put out great information. It was almost like the kind of setup someone would have in their basement...
That's what I was thinking. I can't imagine the Editor of the New England Journal of Medicine sticking his nose into a case like this. The...
That's just it. The case definitions are important because we don't have a biomarker. And PEM is important even if it was not in the first case...
Social Justice interview with David Tuller on his ongoing Trial by Error series. Hour long. 2pm Sun 15 Apr 2018...
Because I don't know the details of the case nor the difficulties being faced by the NHS, I would be interested in knowing what others in...
I wonder if not having PayPal slowed things this year. (I am pretty sure he did it through a crowd rise platform last year and they did have...
I crumble doing them and my taxes aren't complicated.
Separate names with a comma.