well put
I wonder if someone is bankrolling this study for expected future supplement profits, it would explain why its bring done and done so badly
Its not likely but it could be a type of secondary Parkinsons.
But according to some estimates 25% of us have the undiscovered genetic defect that causes depression hence we must take the drugs in vogue which...
Thats crazy, if only 12% get funded then to double the funding would require 833% more researchers. That is ludicrous, what are the unselected...
I believe Janet posted it on the other place when it happened, though i don't think it was a photocopy, it was typed text.
Can't easily attend with the timing but i hope it goes well. I would suggest Dr Davis get funding, world class scientist told Stanford is not a...
I tried whey protein and it provides a shot of energy and reduces PEM duration and severity. Pricey but effective. When i say shot i don't mean...
I would copy and paste this into a brochure for ME/CFS patients. I was not very interested in pursuing it if it was positive (long story) but it...
Its got so many layers of snake oil they can't even keep them straight.
The acetyl carnitine will likely help, its the only reason i can still read online posts and think coherently, the B vitamins are a crock (i know...
Indeed, they learn from the best (or should i say worst) :emoji_face_palm:
Right, can you provide references? It hasn't been named yet?
I can tell you that raising PGD2 has no effect on my non 24. And its not hard or expensive to do, its an effect of the niacin flush. Can you tell...
The non 24 in blind people is due to lack of rhythm setting from melanopsin in the eyes. These people typically respond to melatonin...
yes, this i hope i don't get this bad, though i would like to know what the mechanism is, neurologist insists its genetic because all non 24 is...
+1 i hope they pursue this, their patients that responded leading them in this direction obviously improved, your improving, something is...
They are not, i just like to be very professional when going after institutions that will use every dirty trick against you. I aim to provide no...
I know what you meant but i wouldn't, making fun of a liar with lawyers is not a smart strategy
Separate names with a comma.