I've only just found time to catch up on this blog. It's a complicated topic to explain concisely, isn't it? I thought I'd add another thing...
It was in other papers, and more general 'medically unexplained' stuff I've read. I've not looked into the details of any of it, but they...
You mean this one? [MEDIA]
For anyone still trying to follow this, another update from yesterday:...
Goldacre studied under Wessely - there are a collection of comments from him here:...
That seems relevant. Thanks for pointing it out. Hope it's of use for those raising concern about this.
Just to remind people, @Forbin was commenting on that paper because Landmark tried to use it to undermine concerns about relying on subjective...
I was searching for CFS FITNET stuff, and found this: http://www.isrctn.com/ISRCTN12612526 All outcomes look like self report, and "The follow-up...
Any informed GET critic there? Programmes like this always scare me.
Looks like Hunter co-authored with Jon Stone on some 'functional motor symptoms' papers. I don't really know what I'm talking about, but I...
Lots of important decisions about research funding, training on ME/CFS, medical student education, etc are being taken behind closed doors by the...
I worry that some people can think advocacy efforts are further ahead of where they are. IMO we're now winning the public discussions and...
It does seem like there's a lot of crap work in this area, and I can't stand Paul McCrone, but maybe that's reason to try not to be too critical...
He is an Establishment figure, and you see him turning up in various places, eg the recent air pollution stuff:...
I think that Holgate could still make useful contributions to the CMRC so don't think I want him to resign, but him being open about past mistakes...
Whenever I'm about to listen to someone I like speak publicly I always get really nervous! LOL at @dave30th singling out Fiona Watt at the CMRC....
Welcome to the forum! You have been promptly moved to our pre-prepared discussion on this.
Nice one. Thanks to the authors. I expected it to draw more on the points made by Courtney and Kindlon in the comments section of the Cochrane...
Presumably that's the BMJ? That's interesting. Presumably that's a reference to the Wearden on-line course that a government minister had just...
Oh it's just nonsense, but that doesn't stop Bristol Uni from claiming it.
Separate names with a comma.