Also this from the Lancet: Mental health law: still no parity of esteem...
This drama should have ended two years ago!
Now I can say that I know what I'm talking about.
I don't really know what I'm talking about that, but I thought that they seemed good too.
There seem to be ad-homs and overly-generalised statements on both sides. I felt that some people were over-hyping the importance of the hoax, and...
Got to admit that I don't really understand the politics of the US situation, but best wishes to all those working to improve things.
I knew I'd seen that figure somewhere! Likely to be of interest to @AR68 too.
I don't remember that. Where did you see that?
Thanks Andy. These are minor points: I guess that you can't really withdraw an unpublished review, so it was just the protocol that was...
I'm not sure what thread is most appropriate for this, but there's a new piece from Ioannidis on this:...
White looked very involved in the IPD protocol - a co-author and the funder of a meeting for devising the protocol. For the 2017 one (which was...
There is a disturbing tolerance for trash research in a lot of journals, and I've seen some criticism that this hoax doesn't really show much...
They carry on the page numbers with their next issue, eg this from the year before:
I think that hyped claims about recovery are also an important part of the issue, along with encouraging people to 'think positively' and spend...
And then the final page: [MEDIA] "You determine what happens this Christmas. There is personal choice in deciding how you will manage...
Here's KCL on CFS: Cumbria on CFS:...
There was loads of spin and hype from UK universities looking to take creadit for how much they've helped CFS patients in REF2014... looks like...
Looks like this was taken from research on how to define recovery (and there are good reasons for concern about Crawley having influence over...
Thanks for posting, and to those commenting. The politics of this do seem a bit interesting.
New CMRC minutes:
Separate names with a comma.