It looks like there's a lot of overlap between CFS and how they define 'frailty': "Frailty phenotype was based on five criteria (weight loss,...
I'm sure I saw tweets from people complaining Godwin had said things he had not. Don't make me look back through that huge thread to find them now!
Looks like a couple of people misunderstood Godwin's tweets and were making unfair criticisms of what he'd said. Would be useful if people could...
The 2015 ME Association report on their poll also includes lots of patient testimony from respondents:...
Looks like David's starting to dig into the IAPT stuff, which seems as grim as anyone could fear:...
Oops - edited.
Thanks for letting us know. Hopefully the absence of the now famed S4ME logo won't do too much harm!
Aren't they funding one of Crawley's PhD students, who is currently promoting prejudice about patients rejecting evidence in her papers? I'm...
I think that intellectually it's best for us to be honest and aware of how much uncertainty there is around ME/CFS, but the problem is that it's...
Post-PACE, I'm a bit surprised Action for ME decided to be involved with anything that could even remotely back-fire on them.
I've not seen the full text, but Wessely doesn't like it, so that's a good sign: [MEDIA]
There is so much uncertainty and controversy around ME/CFS that taking any position on lots of issues will end up annoying some people. As/if ME...
I wonder if Bishop will respond. It pisses me off how she says so many good general things about the need to address problems with research, but...
Yes - especially as I'm sure it's less than gratifying to have people make these criticisms of all the work that was put into this. Sorry - I...
Thanks for all your work on that - sounds like you got a positive change there.
They put a lot of resources into maintaining their profile and a lot of people, including myself, were directed towards them by the NHS when we...
I had criticisms of this paper, and I think that parts of the approach attempted was probably a mistake, but I also don't think people should go...
I missed this - thanks to those asking questions, and to @JenB for the responses. I want to add my name to those worried about anything that...
I've just read the briefing, and I thought it was pretty mixed. There was some good stuff in there, but I thought it was a mistake to try to cover...
Okay. I've just seen some people on 'conspiracy' style websites misunderstand it out of context, and not realise it was meant to be a funny thing...
Separate names with a comma.