Having worked in both academia and commercial organisations, I would say the difference seems to be pace and motivation. Both need to make money,...
I'm not going to bother reading it. I'm sorry she was ill and she didn't like her arranged marriage but I would prefer it if she had omitted her...
Now I'm really feeling sick
Or if there is a new kid in town that's as effective and cheaper?
I've just read the opening post ...I'm not sure what to say ...I normally like to say something polite and constructive ...no. I actually am...
I fell asleep at a kids party 15 x 4 year olds...apparently they were quite noisy.
Although I dnt seem to need day time naps at the moment, I was falling asleep during the day for a lot of 2012 and 2013 when I was at my...
Shudders....they really are quite nasty aren't they? Almost stuff of nightmares. It's the sinister tone throughout I think with the facist...
sigh...perhaps he can have his award stripped from him when it comes to light it was a pack of delusional thinking?
Ahh just a casual observation after being patronised by many a teacher. Why do they make you sit on those small chairs at parents evening I...
I've seen a few ...my biggest advice...don't go in with high expectations. They tend to be a bit like psychiatrists...woolly answers to direct...
Ahh well, I've run out of excuses for her then..seems she should know better.
Perhaps @Bill can do a media whore bus for us...now who would be on it ..so many to choose from..and there's only limited seats
I'm wondering whether this is just sloppy academic types who have a grandiose title but actually if put out in the real world they would flounder....
Wow put together it really shows up quite a dammimg profile. And that's before you add in all the patronising tweets etc. I suppose you could...
I think publishing rubbish papers can also be propagated by the lazy researcher who rehashes the lies in literature surveys they can't be bothered...
I signed it when it was live though :D
I'm not sure we know how percent efficient it is. I had a look but the limited studies seem to use 3x5g daily for CFS and other conditions....
Separate names with a comma.