Drs seem great at refuting suggestions for treatment, but clueless at resolving medical problems.
I think you can have sparkling but maybe don’t try it! I’d suggest a bottle of iced latte for when you’re sent out for a break, if there’s a shop...
I’ve had a Quick Look back and found these two quotes about “TPN and Sectioning” It does seem that Dr Roy is the source of this idea, so will be...
Yes although weirdly the tube or TPN (in your vein?) feeding is fairly routinely given to people who can’t sit but do have a functioning gut.
That Reddit thread is toxic nonsense
Yes! ALS is known as Motor Neurone Disease in the UK I think?
Yes, the best cure for manifestations of mental health issues is to withold care until they just starts behaving themselves. In addition, do you...
I suspect that those persons include the 2 nurses who are too ill to attend (reasons not given) Edit- I think it was mentioned on the first day...
The Council had a number of reasons why they couldn’t assess Maeve, essentially because she was too unwell to be visited by a social worker to be...
It seems this is under the Heath &Social Care Act 2008 Regulations 2014 Regulation 14...
Dr Roy’s evidence on this will be interesting. Dan Wyke on X twitter says tomorrow will be Dr Roy, Dr Warren and maybe Dr Tate (I’m not familiar...
I think colloquially, exertion is taken to mean “over and above” normal effort, so people would be thinking, oh so you can’t run a 5km run, rather...
Paul Keeble has some final comments on Social Care, apparently Dr Roy will be questioned tomorrow morning Maeve raised a safeguarding concern...
I am a little bit reassured that, around the internet, non-ME ppl are pointing out disorders and diseases where feeding is given by NG/PEG and...
Some tweets about the questioning of Dr a weir by RD&E Hosp representative - of note is that Dr Weir is advising to go against Royal College of...
likely, but can’t confirm as no information on X either way. Maybe @dave30th can update us later?
I believe Dr Roy is the Gastroenterologist at the hospital and he was against TPN due to risk of sepsis, mentioned briefly yesterday. Assume he...
I’m Jumping back to Dr Weir’s evidence, as I think this is a really key point, he referred to a report in 2002 regarding feeding for pw severe ME,...
Some tweets about Social Care evidence. It seems they “insisted” on contact with Maeve, eventually accepting she wasn’t able to do that [ATTACH]
Dr Weir has finished. The next person is Mrs K Bradford of Exeter Council, Adult Social Services team manager
Separate names with a comma.