Important stuff. I think things have been allowed to be veered off-track in this area (as with scientific psychology vs BPS theories filibustering...
Im on ibuprofen constantly and don’t think that it helps anything ME-specific. It’s interesting because the bits it’s for I can really tell when...
There is actually research papers confirming what you suggest in your first para. I remember finding it when I looked for examples relating to a...
So naughty,….. effectively no one who is NOT distressed can report it or be counted. it gets turned into ‘not applicable’ so they tick it...
Not directly relevant but saw this and liked it and wanted to remember the thought! [MEDIA] it’s someone doing a video of how they made their...
I couldn’t remember if there was a different post you made somewhere on meeting people in general and wanting that connection but it being...
agreed. And Which is of course a problem in the doctor that they are unable to see that (and I do wonder whether like other jobs have psychometric...
My issue is whether it is actually mental health care (or what Sharps actually ‘delivers’ in his big ‘all illnesses have a bit of the mental’...
Yes. And that’s so painfully out of date. It was known 30yrs ago you don’t leave a child in a painful situation snd think you train the disable d...
And stupid. To have come up with the idea nevermind decide to test it you’d have to be stupid snd have a problem mindset anyway. these behaviour...
It feels like there was another/better way to assess this claim e.g. by looking at those who have psychosis and seeing how many had previously...
But making sure that 'involvement' or 'engagement with' those who have ME isn't 'tokenistic' and is diverse, representative etc seems a pretty...
And then maybe 4. What is there that is specific to ME, and different levels of ME and different contexts - that need to be added to an...
My questions: 1. I don't know whether there are other organisations who have done similar things out there. But think that this page should...
I've put this in advocacy, but it just as easily would work as a topic - with quite different discussion - in 'research'. I also suspect there are...
The irony isn't lost on me that a pretty heavyweight seeming head of governance has stated in their letter that they are too small a charity to be...
Can we guess at approx what date the silence/potentially confidentiality agreements came in? Based on when comments were being made and then...
Is this Katharine CHeston who is/was on the IAG for the Cochrane review ('recovered person') ?
Oh and the important bit being that the 'straw man' of the 'even worse quality' was from the very same people - so as long as they can produce...
Am I confused or is Hilda in her statement? When she says that CDC and Nice used 'low' as a quality rating for some of the evidence (much of...
Separate names with a comma.