I hear you. Point taken!
No, not a rectocele. A surgically made pouch because of getting rid of much of the rectum due to the severe inflammatory process there (and...
I perused the transcript of the Australian video. It's the same rubbish: you can train your brain to stop feeling pain. that the brain is plastic...
I can and have (yesterday in 13 degree C induced pain) cheerleaded myself through some tough pain moments. "Don't focus on it." "You'll be home...
Friend of mine (ex-friend really) has ulcerative colitis (belongs to the chronic inflammatory, crohn's family). Her risk of bowel cancer is 37x...
I wouldn't want mindfulness completely divorced from its religious/philosophical underpinning. As Dr. Farhad Dalal points out in his critiques of...
Watched most of it. I want to visit the CBT and Mindfulness-Based CBT studies in pain reduction to learn how to dissect them. I am somewhat...
Just one more thing. On the second page of this is an instrument used to measure the degree of catastrophizing. (On the first page is the...
Mexican researchers studied this drug. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10067-017-3664-z Recent article here:...
"They should just shut up." Love that. Because I worked as a nurse and a tad in research, I tend to overlook glaring fissures in researchers'...
The researcher probably is talking to venture capitalists/big and little pharma.
Well, I don't fit that profile. A lot of studies are done at tertiary levels (hospital-based programs which attracts the most complicated...
This blog from Scienfic American is written by a Stanford psychologist who has been researching pain catastrophizing (PC). I think she is a major...
Group mindfulness for chronic pain sufferers. How did they filter out groupthink and social pressure to respond (also to please the researcher)...
Mindfulness is for pain-lite.
I finally get your points about the difficulty of diagnosing what may or may not be a discrete set of symptoms, of what is termed fibromyalgia or...
I do believe you and Dr. Wolfe are dead-wrong about there not being a fibrositis diagnosis (updated to fibromyalgia). It is a constellation of...
The problem IS that the body is not "adapting" (whatever that is). It is not self-correcting in ME nor fibromyaglia. That's the problem. Not the...
Sounds like my dog wrote this.
And Michael Hyland, et al, are at a dangerously low point in an IQ range of normal. My god, who gave this a green light? Why not invite aliens to...
Separate names with a comma.