I wrote her, but hadn't seen the links to Mayo and Merck Manual. What to link to instead?
Beware the psychologist with hurt feelings about the irrelevance of psychology to most sciences.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/2020/05/08/what-i-learned-watching-my-mom-parent-with-disability/ Brittany Collins, author The mom has...
Wow, another example of publish or perish...rubbish.
The Merck Manual, especially the version for doctors, has been and still is worse than Cliff Notes. A letter to Dr. Stephen Gluckman a good idea.
Minor pain relief. Capsaicin cream better.
Moving one's body parts against the extraordinary weight of the water in a pool does give one an inordinate amount of strengthening per time of...
Forgot to mention,I think Peter Trewhitt did, that by the time you anxiously prep yourself to get out of the house (assuming that you can get...
It is very easy to get dehydrated and dizzy in a warm pool doing the mildest of exercises. Water that isn't just a few degrees below body...
I thought last night that a barrage of letters to editors for personal opinion pieces in newspapers would get out the word about what having ME is...
Can't export this video, but the gist of the Taiwanese handling of the virus is here...
I wore a mask when I opened the door to my place when I got my groceries delivered three weeks ago. I told the man (who was Asian) that "I have a...
How Taiwan handled the virus. We didn't hear much about it because China has forbidden mention of it, and they clout at WHO....
San Diego newspaper article quoted a researcher of bacteria and viruses from a university's oceanography department warning that the wind at the...
Historical perspective (gleaned from the microbe.tv virology podcast, i.e. the organization Gideon). https://www.gideononline.com/blog/
The upregulation of sensory input to the somatosensory cortex for whatever reason, results more and more noxious sensation which feed more sensory...
Pain amplification in the spinal cord and brain = central sensitizaton. The relevance of the term, theory, framework, whatever you call it is...
As far as I know (and that is little) is it an hypothesis only.
Of the three authors of the paper, one has a PhD, the other two are physical therapists. They don't have the necessary scientific or medical...
According to the head of the Chinese center for disease control (a corona virus researcher with impeccable credentials: Oxford, Harvard) said that...
Separate names with a comma.