Some were just uncaring but most were probably trying to balance the economic harm of lockdowns versus the risk of the illness and their...
In my opinion, a lot. ME/CFS and other illnesses would have been researched more without the MUS belief system (which explicitly says that no...
This is just brilliant. The rest of the article is very good too. It goes to the heart of the problem of what went wrong with ME/CFS and so many...
I see little chance of an actually well designed clinical trial. The risk of a reliable study producing evidence of lack of efficacy will make...
Perhaps the researchers want confirmation for their ideas from patients. They want to be feel useful and make a difference. Perhaps they don't...
The authors seem to have poor knowledge of ME/CFS. Looking at the abstract, they fail to propose the obvious explanation: patients have exertion...
I'm in my 30's, my neighbor in her 60's. We sometimes walk together. The last time I observed that initially I'm the one with apparently better...
Psychosomatic medicine seems to be a continuation of the ancient belief that illness is a punishment from God for sinning and moral weakness. At...
I suspect that Garner is also confused by the unpredictability of his illness. It's difficult to predict PEM precisely. He predicted PEM,...
Garner seems to be cognitively impaired in some way. His ideas contradict each other and he doesn't seem to realize it. He says we should take...
I'm hungry most of the time. I have no idea why.
Fantastic letter.
I'm pretty sure that the illness had already been present for a while when I first noticed the "onset" event. I'm curious what the NIH intramural...
The BPS stuff sometimes comes across as a system that is primarily concerned with acting as moral police when in reality medicine has nothing to...
Q fever fatigue syndrome appears to be an instance of a postviral syndrome that wasn't lumped in with ME/CFS and this doesn't appear to have...
She appears to believe that ME sufferers believe in a postviral disease, while in her eyes long covid is viral and not postviral. Also, the...
[MEDIA] So just like in ME/CFS.
No, I think these people are lying to themselves or having some transient placebo responses, which by the way are entirely consistent with a...
I wouldn't consider it a strawman argument. We're being asked to believe in a psychological cause of illness for political reasons and there's...
Separate names with a comma.