Epidemic neurasthenia was used in the US. In the UK the "benign" part was added because it did not lead to death and paralysis the way that polio...
One of the problems we have with BPSers is that they are "lumpers" as opposed to "splitters". With their MUS and FND they include as many diseases...
Autism is defined as deficits in social interaction, social communication and social imagination ME is a disease where there is an abnormal...
When they tried to get the CCC accepted in Scotland it didn't happen because GPs and neurologists would not accept it. Was it a coincidence that...
There now exists plenty of evidence that something is going wrong with exertion in ME even if it has not been pinned down.
I have been thinking about what I said on another thread, that finding a cure or a treatment would lead to more activity. That is the tragedy of...
Maybe they will show that death is just a belief, a belief that you have died.
The value of these papers is that they show the BPS ideas are based on sand in the same way that a close look at Freud shows the shaky...
The bitter irony is that a treatment which cured or just managed ME would lead to more activity as a direct effect. We are all desperate to do...
I had physio for my shoulder recently and he was very interested in my ME and encouraged me to only do the movements he recommended within the...
Aberdeen has a higher than average background radiation because many of the buildings are built of granite. I have never heard that there has been...
All this "outsourcing" is worrying - and maybe eyeopening. In short the BPS people have devised a vague treatment based on very little...
They seem to be using CFS as the symptom chronic fatigue and chronic pain where others have spoken about fibromyalgia. They have downgraded...
Very early on in the CFS/BPS debacle (before I had internet) an American patient who had been a researcher (well educated anyway) looked at the...
3 "mays" in one sentence. I may be abducted by aliens then they may give me the secret of nuclear fusion and then I may save the planet. Equally...
Yes, the patients made a dramatic improvement but then gradually stopped responding. That matches a few things I have read about. When I first...
Sarah94 and Simbindi it must be awful to have ME as well as autism. I wish ME was distinguished from chronic fatigue, things would be so much...
The narratives of BPS are easily understood and use a sort of shorthand by feeding into prejudices. That is why they are so easily accepted. Too...
Recently, I came across the idea of autism fatigue on the autism websites. It makes complete sense as the idea is that dealing with overwhelming...
Right, misread that, oops.
Separate names with a comma.