Our PEM is only superficially similar to what happens in other diseases. We may have a similar problem as a consequence of having a chronic...
I think that, historically, mysogyny played a role in trivialising ME, but whether it is relevant nowadays is another question. There are many...
The Royal Free epidemic was dismissed as being mass hysteria and it was explicitly said that "being a woman" was a risk factor for hysteria even...
So, basically, if you are bedridden moving about a bit could be good or you?
I think whooping coughs and mumps at the same tie probably overwhelmed the immune system. Like everything else in biology immunity is not a...
Dr Ramsay was popular because he interacted with patients with respect and consideration. If we had had forums then he would have been here...
Many years ago, I think it was a chief medical officer's report into ME, something like that. Peter White walked out or would not sign the report...
In July, I passed the 50th anniversary of becoming ill. It had a profound effect on me - I have become angry and impatient! They may be describing...
I can't get past the fact that the statisticians let them away with treating the SF36 as a normal distribution. This is entirely in the domain of...
This really made me angry. The Mythbusters TV programme did a few shows that involved walking speeds and for each they did 10!!! tries and...
The good professor's theory also seems like a way to get obesity as well as fatigue into the grant generating machine. Now we will have all these...
Another name for ME was Epidemic Vertigo and it was a dominant symptom in some of the epidemics. From talking to people over the years and my own...
The first thing we have to be clear about is that something is going wrong in our bodies. It may be one thing or many but it exists and if it...
Being female is not a risk factor for becoming hysterical and developing symptoms of disease. It is an idea that became embedded in medicine in...
We are definitely caught in a Catch 22. Their is no precedent for our situation. I can see why a side effect that is an exacerbation of our...
I don't know much about Lyme disease so have no particular take on it, but Borrelia is a type of bacteria called a spirochaete. Syphilis is also...
I don't think it is ME, we may be tired but we experience frustration at what we can't do, not a feeling that nothing is worth while. I get sad...
They set out to find a case of mass hysteria so they included the things in their paper that "proved" it. This was not a case of people involved...
I forgot to add that they said that patients had to be examined very carefully as even that amount of exertion made them worse. So PEM was there...
Just a few thoughts. McE and B wrote their report fresh from their triumph describing 2 different epidemics of "hysterical vomiting" in girls'...
Separate names with a comma.