Myalgic encephalomyelitis was a name given to an epidemic illness by respected doctors (one became chief medical officer in the UK) They chose it...
It may be a different symptom but people with ME often talk about "air hunger". I do not know if everyone is talking about the same thing, but I...
I have never seen a decent explanation for any sort of "functional" disorder. A lot of them lie along the lines of "there is no damage to the...
There is actually a direct thread between neurasthenia and CFS. It is that psychologists use empty theories because they cannot look at the brain...
There was an article in the New Scientist about fatigue about 20 years ago. It mentioned CFS (not in a good way sigh) but was primarily about...
Years ago, I knew an old doctor who had done trials in a local Borstal where one group ate what they chose and the other followed a careful...
I think that AFME is shockingly blind to the fact that they are continually used AGAINST us. It is all very well to sit and wait for evidence or...
Ramsay did not talk about PEM but he did talk about an abnormal reaction to exercise. Describing the Royal Free epidemic they said that even...
Autopsies done on people with severe ME like Sofia Mirza showed nodules on the spinal cord that could be related to herpes viruses. As usual, I...
Now I'm severely affected (and all this may be why:) ) but I always found walking to be quite easy especially compared with standing or a...
I had a terrible experience in a neurology ward which left me so distressed I couldn't bear to think about it for years BUT I felt better when I...
It may just be my confused brain, but it looks like it could be 0 day max available 100% which I use because I am overdoing it so next day I only...
The CPET testing explained this. Normal healthy people AND sick people get their energy from aerobic respiration. It is so hard for them to move...
Migraine has all sorts of strange symptoms so a brain disease like ME is bound to share them. I often think that the BPS theories have robbed the...
Stephen Strauss was the CDC guy who turned the world against us. He decided Tahoe was an epstein barr epidemic and when he found it wasn't he...
I remember that round about the time of the PACE trial starting people were complaining that PW (and maybe others) listed COIs in US medical...
In the early days of psychology and "CFS" it was stated in different ways that patients were people who wanted to be perfectionist or something...
In Martha Stout's book on psychopaths she says people ask her how to recognise them and are surprised by her answer. She says that early in her...
For a while, lots of my friends with MS were taking part in clinical trials. As they discussed them, it became clear that "a little bit better" is...
Just read this, I find it hard to believe that the elderly would have a response to CPET testing like ME with serious deterioration on the second...
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