"Multiple randomized clinical trials have found that exercise therapy provides some benefit to patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. However,...
Thanks @Snow Leopard maybe need a cup of tea and a clear head before I re-read this!
Could the weird design be due to the fact that you can't prove a negative i.e. you must test a positive. In this case they try to test the (+ve)...
This is a thing of beauty (unfortunately not rare beauty): "Despite a lack of distinct immunological findings, it is accepted that CFS can occur...
Yea I guess the numbers are fairly big (23K in the control and test groups?) - so the exposure should be similar - I guess. Once they roll it out...
Interesting. If the incidence is 1 in 2000 (0.05%), and it looks like it may be, then Long Covid would qualify for inclusion in the European...
Really don't know much about this publication (draft guidelines). However, in general someone/working group is "selected" to look at the issue...
Bits of this were hilariously funny --- some not so! Thank you very much for summarising it so accurately.
Hi @strategist hope you don't mind me pointing out @alicec explanation of how amino acids etc. are utilised for energy, there also info re diet...
I recall that Ron Tompkins (OMF) was planning to do work on muscle cells i.e. with UK researchers - any news of that? Anyone with links to OMF on...
I suspect you're correct i.e. if you're consuming more of X (certain amino acids for energy production) then supplementing your diet with X may...
Milo "The dysfunction in glucose oxidation [muscle cells] is similar to what has previously been shown in blood cells from CFS patients." This...
If it's yet to be explained, and there seems to be evidence of utilising certain amino acids, then is diet unreasonable? Also I think Ron Davis...
I think Ron Davis has said that there was some evidence that Whitney had been cannibalising his muscle - there's a particular excretion product...
I agree fully @Trish i.e. ME Action are a very effective lobbying organisation.
I looked briefly online after I posted this. As many of you know this story has been around since the summer i.e. in Spain mink farmers found...
I haven't checked the link but (as a lay person) this seems like a big deal i.e. coronavirus "jumping" from humans to mink and vice versa.
I think "prednisone" is the go to drug for MS etc.; however, it can lead to bone thinning (loss of calcium). I wonder if "CSF leak" is something...
Hi discussion on this website "Follow ME in Denmark" I'd be interested in your views -...
To be fair the BBC Radio 4 (Evan Davis) had an interview this evening with a doctor in Altnagelvin Hospital (North West Northern Ireland). The...
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