This looks like the Goldilocks approach @Jonathan Edwards highlighted i.e. there is a sweet spot where the number of cases can be managed with...
A virus like this doesn't need pollution; it causes respiratory problems which kill - even many of those treated using a ventilator (approx 80% of...
Check online - search "r naught" basically if your looking at measles, which is highly infectious - 1 infected person infects 18 people (r naught...
What worries me is: ""It is almost impossible to predict what that will mean in terms of human costs, but we are conservatively looking at tens of...
I talked to a friend (who is a doctor) about a month ago and he explained the difficulty in getting access to ventilators in the UK - having to...
To state the obvious, I meant that the Government strategy relied on a populace which was not well informed! The recommendation from WHO is to...
Being able to bull s--t relies on "information asymmetry"; however, when folks like you explained the problem with this strategy (not enough ICU...
A 4 year period of semi isolation doesn't sound attractive until you think of the alternative --- people dying prematurely. I think we should buy...
The lesson from Italy is don't overload your health care system and the Government is doing --? Also, my impression is that the Italian health...
Check out the video here* i.e. press conference by WHO - from memory the key message is test and trace (trace contacts). The Chinese, and South...
Yea it says here "Testing for coronavirus is not needed if you're staying at home" []. Nudge...
@Simon M @Jonathan Edwards The recommendation from the WHO* is to detect and trace i.e. to break the transmission. I think the other thing is...
Yip i.e. I think you are right; i.e. the UK Government seems to be going for herd immunity. You're also correct regarding the respirators; I...
Like a lot of people I Googled "L-form bacteria" when I first came across the idea (linked to ME). Also, bear in mind that Ron Davis has made...
Looks like it is + they should keep updating this to take account of changes. @giada
Just emailed it to you - thanks for offering to upload the program.
Rushed response here, I may reply further later, it looks like presentations will be available later (reply from organisers): "Dear Xxxx, Thank...
@Andy could you do a tweet or something to advertise this? Not sure if the presentations will be available to view on demand or if they will only...
I assume that there was some indication of a problem with the functioning of the adrenal system - levels of hormones excreted or increased...
Check out Chris Armstrong (and others) 2015 study (& 2016 webinar) which indicated that amino acids were being used for energy production...
Separate names with a comma.