RNZCGP GoodFellow Unit MedCases CPD Sept 2023: Chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis Evidence from March 2024 of the Royal NZ College...
Given the massive marketing push for the Lightning Process and related treatments in NZ, targeted at Long Covid, has anyone come across reports of...
I still have not had a response to my letter, despite multiple following ups including phoning the office a couple of times. I see that the...
Thanks Evergreen From the manual:
I don't know the answer to your question, perhaps someone here will tell us. But, failing that, I think you might be surprised at the response...
The changes in the PSI seem to match with the changes in the Cerebral Blood Velocity. When supine, the blood velocity of the ME/CFS and control...
So, a clear improvement on cognitive performance in the ME/CFS after PE. (I don't think we have data for the cognitive performance in the...
Yeah, I was struggling to make a clear story which is why I stopped. There might be one, not sure. Here's the benefit from the phenylephrine on...
I ran out of energy to finish writing the paper up. But, the two treatments they tried that didn't work are interesting. Just breathing CO2...
1. Supine Cardiorespiratory Characteristics The finding of a higher resting heart rate in ME/CFS seems pretty solid. Of course, perhaps it's...
Aside from the small size of the study, there is this screening problem. So, it is looking as though the participants had to not only have ME/CFS...
They say that they and others have shown that, in ME/CFS, being upright changes CO2, resulting is hypocapnia (not enough CO2) and...
I wish abstract writers wouldn't use so many acronyms. It saves what, a line or two or words, at best while greatly reducing readability. The...
:D Oh, but there is so much competition. So, not 'easily'.
Ugh. These people recommending exercise seem to think that activity doesn't count. I mean, if your capacity for activity is suddenly cut in...
H2O2 isn't the chemical we buy in the supermarket in a bottle labelled 'Bleach'. But H2O2 bleaches. It is therefore 'a bleach'.
The German Multicenter Registry for ME/CFS MECFS-R, 2024, Hieber, Scheibenbogen, Behrends et al. What is says on the tin - first report from this...
Justification for the registry. Of note is the relationship with clinics, so that there probably is reduced bias (or at least a different bias)...
acute disease at onset - 82/174 had a confirmed trigger of SARS-CoV-2 useful data
Interesting finding on the utility of the DSQ-PEM:
Separate names with a comma.