Futile thought but I'd like to know how people considering signing up for this mess, I mean study, can be warned off -- that it would only be...
This is just my opinion but I think you are over confident that because we are the inhabiters of the current most recent time that somehow we are...
It didn't look that bad to me. It looks like it's written by someone who checked that their info is up to date but have had no real connection...
Perhaps written by this person? https://lindagask.com/ ETA: It seems our Anil Van Der Zee is familiar with her as I see a comment on a blog...
No, the linked article was just a pointer. The evidence is in 'Thirty years of distain' Mary Dimmock I believe is a forum member (medfeb?) along...
I think this has been well documented by people like Mary Dimmock and through freedom of information requests where it has been discussed between...
For me the problem is that rationality (and in my opinion this is how you are looking at the issue of naming) doesn't enter into it. The history...
Posting with the hope that someone here might find this article illuminating/interesting and possibly discussion worthy....
My opinion is that Wessely et al calling harassment to some of the comments I've read on the forums here and on PR is just a another political...
You've actually highlighted an area of real need. It's unfortunate there is not more out there. If you do find anything useful or find other...
I don't see it that way. @petrichor every day in all kinds of situations we make judgments based on limited data. It's an important skill to...
Hi @Kafka I've never read this so don't know how much it will help but there's this: http://www.stonebird.co.uk/Care Sheets.pdf and there might...
That's really good news. Thanks Webdog for pursuing this.
I am coming late to this thread and have not read all posts (skimmed) I will try and stay on point although the conversation may have drifted...
I expect that they are. But while I have no direct knowledge I expect that they may have other sources of funding too and that it is that funding...
Do you actually consider that a likely possibility? I guess different styles come down to assessing probabilities. I don't consider it likely at...
It's beginning to look to me very much like a charity that wants to be relevant to the patient population and do right by them but is also very...
I believe in 2015 (and I expect since) SC pay was between 70-80 thousand pounds. I get this figure from the end of year 2015 trustee report and...
Or two hashtags that are short and make the point: #ImWithTuller #biosci4ME
here https://undark.org/article/five-questions-lydia-kang/ is a link to an article in undark about the book in the thread title. I thought it...
Separate names with a comma.