I don't believe she has ME. I still have high respect for her. She says all she needed was a strong will. Well, every training person has this. I...
So a possible solution is to become an alcoholic or at least to have the drink at the end of a working day? Or is Wesseley saying indirectly how...
I didn't mean company vs. university. I can only speak of my experience in a legal department and what I heard of a legal department of a uni....
Thank you, @Valentijn, for your analysis and opinion on this topic! Honestly, this high degree of narcisstic love for one's self and the way how...
What I always wonder about: How do they find volunteers for such studies? Or aren't they volunteers at all, getting the "option" to participate or...
That was what I was thinking. Heart stroke symptoms are clear, most often, especially in men. Maybe they thought he had a psychological issue...
@Valentijn The people I met are great, helpful and respectful, and in my view competent, doing ME research themselves. I do wonder if I...
What I don't understand with regard to the death case - apart from the lab result, weren't there some symptoms?
That's just great! :angel:
That tells me that people who recommend that never tried for themselves. Yoga and Pilates are really hard. I never found yoga relaxing, it just...
@Valentijn Yes, you are right, it is a form of GET. I was told to avoid crashes, though. At that point I believed I would get healthy if I rested...
Well, there are lots of differences between a uni and a company, including this one. It's only possible as you said: Some superior needs to...
True enough :)
That's one part of it; and it's definitely right for self-employed lawyers although they value their reputation, too. To win a case, often it is...
I was told that, too, and was reminded of GET, but told myself it can't be, those are the "good" guys (doing ME/CFS research and going to...
What surprised me from the beginning was that David Tuller knew of no cease and desist letter. This means, IF a letter was sent, it was sent...
What actually means that ratio 1:60 and so on? And when would you say "this might hint to autoimmunity", e.g. if ANA > 1:60 or 1:80 or...?
@MErmaid, what are these parathyroid injections? Do you have parathyroid problems, too?
That's definitely true for me. One doctor told me to go on looking (but for him, ME was a waste basket diagnosis, and I don't agree on that; at...
To me, sexual selection and courtship are different. In my opinion sexual selection isn't connected with intelligence, courtship could be. Or more...
Separate names with a comma.