BBC covers the realities of living with ME. As Prince's art director, Michael Van Huffel became used to...
The debate has already been elevated from a patients vs. Crawley debate to a scientists vs. Crawley one. This is where the discussion needs to be....
As a side note, when I filled out the CCC criteria evaluation form at Stanford (for a study), the "Pain" section was all lumped together. Body...
While very informative, it was emotionally difficult for me personally to revisit these symptoms. Thank you @Kalliope for posting.
I agree with you. Still, the page gives the impression that after nearly a year of "working" on this, the CDC just threw up some links to...
IL-12 therapy is also used in non-Hodgkin T-cell Lymphoma, which my sibling died of in her mid 20s....
My ME/CFS diagnosis was delayed for years because the disease criteria my HMO used required pain, which I don't have (just episodic headaches)....
Pulling from the report: Some of the finer details about unrefreshing sleep in ME/CFS, including links to studies, can be found in the Sleep...
The page still says "New content coming end of 2017." If so, they will have to publish it over the weekend. :rofl:
I'll write up a review of my experiences in about a week. Mostly positive so far.
Where is the CDC recommendation for rest and pacing? Isn't that what children need to have any hope of recovery? ETA: "limiting physical...
Another article with a short mention of ADHD drugs for "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome". Since the mentioned "observational case study" isn't listed...
It's worth mentioning the CDC's new caution on antidepressants for ME/CFS. In my personal experience, antidepressants are what many overworked...
On a related note, if you had childhood or teen onset, another Dr. Bell article, ME/CFS In Children, is worth a read as well. Dr. Bell describes...
You have an excellent point. Dr. Bell's assumption that the progression of adolescent onset ME/CFS is similar to adult onset may not be valid....
I've read this article many times. In particular, the prognosis for long term teen onset patients (like myself). One more thing I would add is...
One part of the video I found disheartening was Dr. Holladay's discussion of the permanent damage of ME/CFS. Although the cognitive damage is...
I didn't have the brain cells to watch the entire video, but I did listen to it. Found the part about viruses fascinating. Particularly the...
Dr. Davis around the 12 minute mark says, "some of the biochemistry going on looks a little bit like diabetes". Does anyone know if Dr. Davis...
I haven't decided whether to report Crawley's TEDx video. I'm going to sleep on it. But as a YouTube subscriber, it is my right to report videos I...
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